Tafsir Zone - Surah 37: as-Saffat (Those Lined Up)

Tafsir Zone

Surah as-Saffat 37:0

Overview (Verses  1 - 5)

A Sky Adorned with Stars 
By the [angels] ranged in ranks, who rebuke reproachfully and recite God’s word most certainly your God is One, Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between them, Lord of all the points of sunrise. (Verses 1-5)
The sūrah begins by mentioning three groups of people, identifying what they do. The first description may mean that they range themselves in rows as they pray, or range their wings, awaiting God’s commands. The second group rebukes whoever deserves rebuke, perhaps at the time when the angels gather their souls when they die, or at the time of resurrection, or when they are driven into hell, or in any position or situation. The third group recite God’s word, which may be the Qur’ān or other scriptures or they may recite glorifications of God. They are mentioned in the form of an oath made by God confirming His oneness: “Your God is One.” (Verse 4) As we have already stated, the occasion here is the mention of the superstition circulated in ignorant Arabia alleging that the angels were God’s daughters, and as such, they too were deities.
God then mentions to His servants something about Himself that is suited to the truth of His oneness: He is the “Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between them, Lord of all the points of sunrise.” (Verse 5) The heavens and the earth stand before us, speaking to us about the Creator who controls everything in this universe. No one else claims the ability to create and control the universe, and no one can deny that the One who created the universe is the true Lord who has absolute power. He also created and controls “everything between them,” including the air, clouds, light, as well as tiny little creatures which man comes to know from time to time, but much more remains unknown to man. It is impossible to look with an alert mind at the heavens and the earth and what is between them without being profoundly affected by the greatness, accuracy, variety, beauty, harmony and coherence between all these creatures. Only a dead heart can look at them without genuine interaction.
“Lord of all points of sunrise.” (Verse 5) The translation of this verse is far from adequate, as the verse not only refers to the rising of the sun, but of every star and planet. Each has its time and point of rising. Therefore, the number of such points in all the corners of the universe is beyond imagination. At the same time, the phrase refers to the fact that as the earth turns round the sun, every point of it has its own sunrise, and its point of sunset. Whenever a point of earth is facing the sun, it has its sunrise, and the opposite point on the surface of the earth has its sunset. People did not know this at the time of the revelation of the Qur’ān, but God told them about it. This precise system that makes such successive sunrises over the earth, and the splendid beauty that so permeates our planet beckons us to reflect on the superb beauty of God’s creation and to believe in His oneness. How could such beauty, accuracy and consistency have been achieved unless the Maker is One?
This is the reason why this particular attribute of God’s is mentioned on this occasion. We will see that there will be another occasion in the sūrah which recalls the mention of the heavens and sunrises, as it refers to planets, flames, devils and their destruction.