Tafsir Zone - Surah 31: Luqman (Luqman )

Tafsir Zone

Surah Luqman 31:0

Overview (Verses 1 - 5)

A Book of Wisdom 
Alif. Lām. Mīm. These are verses of the divine book, full of wisdom, providing guidance and mercy for those who excel in doing good, attend regularly to prayers, give in charity and are indeed certain of the hereafter. Those are the ones who follow their Lord’s guidance, and they are the ones who will be successful. (Verses 1-5)

The sūrah begins with three separate letters which are then described as “These are the verses of the divine book, full of wisdom.” (Verse 2) This serves to emphasize that the verses of this book are composed of letters of the same sort. The book is described here as being one of wisdom because wisdom is repeatedly mentioned in this sūrah. Hence, it is fitting, in the normal method of the Qur’ān, that this particular aspect of the book is emphasized in this context. Moreover, speaking of the book as one of wisdom gives it connotations of life and will. It is as though the book itself is a living creature which is wise in what it says and the way it directs people to behave. It chooses its objective and serves it. This is indeed true of the book as it has life, spirit, movement and a distinctive personality. Furthermore, it provides friendly companionship, one which is felt by those who live with it and under its shade. They relate to it and have a mutual response with it just like close friends.
This book, which is full of wisdom provides “guidance and mercy for those who excel in doing good.” This is its essential and permanent status: providing guidance so that goodly people can follow the right way. Indeed, travellers who follow its way are never in error. This book also provides people with mercy as they feel reassured and contented by the guidance they are given. They feel God’s mercy as they attain success, establish firm bonds and strong mutual commitments among those who follow such guidance, and also between them and the laws of the universe in which they live.
The ones who excel in doing good are those who “attend regularly to prayers, give in charity and are indeed certain of the hereafter.” (Verse 4) Such people attend regularly to prayers, and offer them in full, on time and in the right manner. This fulfils the purpose of those prayers and enhances their effect on feelings and behaviour. Thus prayer creates a very strong bond with God, one which spreads an air of pleasantness on life as a whole. Giving generously in charity enables the giver to rise above the natural instinct to hold on to things. It helps to establish a social system based on mutual cooperation where both the affluent and the deprived find confidence and reassurance, as well as genuine mutual care. Certainty of the hereafter ensures that believers stay alert, seeking what God will give, and resisting the lure of all worldly comforts and luxuries. Furthermore, it keeps the believer heedful of what God desires, in public and private, in matters small or large. Thus he aims to achieve excellence in doing good, or ihsān, which the Prophet defined as: “To worship God as though you see Him; if you do not see Him, remember that He sees you.” [Related by al-Bukhārī and Muslim.]
It is for those who excel in doing good that the divine book is both guidance and mercy. The transparency of their hearts enables them to find comfort and reassurance in this book. They are able to relate to the light that is at the core of its nature and understand its wise objectives. Therefore, they accept it feeling the harmony that it provides with the universe at large and appreciating the clarity of the way they follow. This Qur’ān gives to every heart what suits its openness and sensitivity. Furthermore, it responds to the love, appreciation and high esteem with which hearts approach it. The Qur’ān is indeed alive, reciprocating people’s feelings.
Those who attend to prayer, give in charity and are certain of the hereafter “are the ones who follow their Lord’s guidance, and they are the ones who will be successful.” (Verse 5) Whoever accepts divine guidance will be successful. Such a person moves along with enlightenment which leads him to his goal. He is thus free from error in this life and from the consequences of error in the life to come. He has reassurance, comfort, and friendly interaction with all that exists.