Tafsir Zone - Surah 101: al-Qari`ah (The Calamity )

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-Qari`ah 101:0

Determination of People’s Fates

“The Striker! What is the Striker! Would that you knew what the Striker is!” (Verses 1-3) This surah starts with the single word, al-Qari`ah, rendered in English as the Striker. It is thrown like a shot, without any further information, predicate or adjective. As such it creates through its sound and connotations an ambiance of awe and apprehension.

The word is immediately followed by a question suggesting alarm: “What is the Striker?” (Verse 2) It is that dreadful and formidable thing which arouses curiosity and questioning. Then comes the answer in the form of a cryptic exclamation: “Would that you knew what the Striker is!’ It is too great to be comprehended or imagined. Then follows the answer which states what takes place in it but refrains from stating its exact nature: “The day when people will be scattered moths, and the mountains like tufts of carded wool.” (Verses 4-5)

This is the first scene of the Striker, a scene that leaves people’s hearts in panic and makes limbs tremble with fear. The listener feels that everything he clings to in this world is flying all around him like dust. Then comes the end of all mankind. “Then he whose weight [of good deeds] is heavy in the balance, shall enjoy a happy life. But he whose weight is light in the balance, shall have the abyss for his home. Would that you knew what this is like! It is a scorching fire.” (Verses 6-11)

It is useful for us to consider the weights, whether heavy or light. This means that there are standards which God credits with being valuable and others that are valueless. This is the general meaning of the statement which the surah wants to convey. However, God knows best the exact nature of the balance determining such weights. To indulge in a sophisticated, logical and linguistic argument about the meaning of the Qur’anic term, mawazin, used here is in itself a departure from the Qur’anic spirit and indicates that the reader is not interested in the Qur’an or in Islam.

“Then he whose weight [of good deeds] is heavy in the balance”, according to God’s measures and evaluation, “shall enjoy a happy life.” God makes this statement general without any detailed information. Thus, the statement imparts to man the connotations of content and satisfaction or, indeed, pure happiness.

“But he whose weight is light in the balance,” according to God’s same measure and evaluation, “shall have the abyss for his home.” The Arabic text uses the term, umm, ‘mother’, for what is rendered here as ‘home’. It is to his mother that a child turns for help and protection as he seeks shelter and security at home. But such people with light measure can only turn and resort to the abyss! The expression is a fine one, beautifully ordered. It also has a shade of obscurity preparing the way for subsequent clarification which adds to the depth of the intended effect: “Would that you knew what this is like.” (Verse 10) It is again the cryptic exclamation used often in the Qur’an which emphasizes that it is beyond comprehension and vision. Then comes the answer in the closing note: “It is a scorching fire.” (Verse 11)

Such is the mother of any person whose weight of good deeds is light. This is his mother to whom he turns for help and protection and for security and comfort. But what does he find with such a mother? He finds nothing but the abyss and a scorching fire. The expression here makes a sudden jolt to represent the hard reality.