Tafsir Zone - Surah 37: as-Saffat (Those Lined Up)

Tafsir Zone

Surah as-Saffat 37:61

Overview (Verses 61 - 68)

A short comment is made here, alerting hearts to the need to work hard in order to achieve such a goal. “Everyone should strive to attain this goal.” (Verse 61) The goal is a pure and everlasting happiness that cannot be ended by death or prevented by torture. It is the type of goal that deserves hard effort. Compared to this, other goals people strive for seem worthless.
In order to highlight the great gulf between this everlasting, pure happiness and the other destiny awaiting the unbelievers, the sūrah explains what awaits the latter after they have been held to account:
Is this the better welcome, or the Zaqqūm tree? We have made it a test for the wrongdoers. It is a tree that grows in the very heart of the blazing fire of hell. Its fruit is like devils’ heads. They will indeed eat of it, filling their bellies. Then on top of it, they will be given polluted scalding water to drink. Then again, their ultimate goal is hell. (Verses 62-68)
Rhetorically they are asked whether the pure endless bliss is a better position and place or the Zaqqūm tree. What is this tree, then? The answer is simple: “It is a tree that grows in the very heart of the blazing fire of hell. Its fruit is like devils’ heads.” (Verses 64-65) Needless to say, people do not know how devils’ heads look. Nevertheless, it is a frightening image. It is sufficient only to think of these heads to be scared. How, then, would they countenance the prospect of these very heads becoming the food with which they fill their bellies?
God made this tree a test for the wrongdoers. When they heard its name, they made fun of it, saying: ‘How could a tree grow in hell without being burnt?’ One of them, Abū Jahl, said in sarcasm: “People of the Quraysh! Do you know what the Zaqqūm tree is that Muĥammad holds up to scare you with? It is the dates of Madinah cooked with butter. Should we get it, we will swallow it without hesitation.”
The fact is, however, that the Zaqqūm tree was something different from the food they knew: “They will indeed eat of it, filling their bellies.” (Verse 66) When it stings their throats and burns their bellies — as it grows in the fire it is of the same substance — they will look for a cool drink to stop the burning. However, they will only drink contaminated, boiling water: “Then on top of it, they will be given polluted, scalding water to drink.” (Verse 67)
After this meal, they leave the table to return to their permanent abode, which is far from welcoming: “Then again, their ultimate goal is hell.” (Verse 68)