Tafsir Zone - Surah 37: as-Saffat (Those Lined Up)

Tafsir Zone

Surah as-Saffat 37:6

Overview (Verses  6 -10))

We have adorned the skies nearest to the earth with stars, and have made them secure against every rebellious devil. Thus, they cannot eavesdrop on the ones on high, but shall be repelled from all sides, driven away, with lasting suffering in store for them. If any of them stealthily snatches away a fragment, he will be pursued by a piercing flame. (Verses 6-10)
At the outset, the sūrah touches on the part of the superstition that relates to angels. Now it touches on the part that relates to the jinn. In pre-Islamic days, some Arabs alleged that the jinn were related to God. Indeed, some of them worshipped the jinn for this reason, and because they attributed to them knowledge of the world beyond human perception.
“We have adorned the skies nearest to the earth with stars.” (Verse 6) One look at the sky is sufficient to realize that the element of beauty is purposely incorporated into the making of the universe: its very make up is beautiful, well proportioned and harmonious. In fact, beauty is an essential part of its nature. Its design gives equal importance to beautiful appearance and perfect functioning. Therefore, everything in it is made according to an accurate measure, performing its role to perfection and adding to its overall beauty.
The sky and its stars is the most beautiful scene around us. We never tire of it. Every star and planet sends its flickering light, like a damsel’s eye looking shyly at you. When you look straight at her, she turns her eye away; but when you take your glance away, her eyes brighten. To look at these stars and planets as they change position night after night gives endless pleasure.
Another function of the stars and their satellites is also mentioned in the sūrah, demonstrating how some of them are shooting stars and piercing flames that target the jinn, preventing them from getting close to those on high: We “have made them secure against every rebellious devil. Thus, they cannot eavesdrop on the ones on high, but shall be repelled from all sides, driven away, with lasting suffering in store for them. If any of them stealthily snatches away a fragment, he will be pursued by a piercing flame.” (Verses 7-10) This means that some of the shooting stars we see guard the skies against rebellious devils to prevent them from eavesdropping on those on high. Such devils on the Day of Judgement will be punished further. However, a rebellious devil might stealthily snatch something of what goes on among the angels on high, but as this devil descends, a piercing flame pursues and burns him.
We have no idea how the rebellious devil tries to eavesdrop, how he snatches a fragment, or how he is pursued by the piercing flame. All these are beyond the limits of our human nature and its power of imagination. The only way open to us is to believe what we are told by God and accept it as it is stated. We should remember that our knowledge of the universe is only superficial. What is important to understand here is that those devils who are prevented from eavesdropping on what takes place on high are the ones whom the idolaters alleged to be related to God. Had anything of the sort been true, the whole story would have been totally different. Such alleged relatives would not have suffered the burning fate that pursues them.