Tafsir Zone - Surah 33: al-Ahzab (The Confederates)

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-Ahzab 33:45

Overview (Verses 45 - 48)

The Prophet’s Role
The Prophet who delivers to them what God has chosen, and shows them by practical example how to implement the laws God has enacted for them, is here given an outline of his own role. His position in relation o the believers is also explained.
Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news and a warner; one who calls people to God by His leave and a light-giving beacon. Give to the believers the good news that a great bounty from God awaits them. Do not yield to the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their hurting actions. Place your trust in God; for God alone is worthy of all trust. (Verses 45-48)

The Prophet’s position among them is that of a witness. They should, then, work o improve the testimony he gives, as it will state the facts, changing nothing and containing nothing that is false. He is also the ‘bearer of good news, explaining what awaits those who work hard and well of God’s grace, forgiveness of sins, honour and reward. Moreover, he is ‘a warner’ to those who overlook their duties, telling them of what awaits the wrongdoers of punishment and suffering. Thus, they are not taken unawares. Furthermore, he is one who Calls people to God, not to worldly glory, national pride, personal gain or position. He only calls to God in a consistent way that leads to Him ‘by His leave’. He does not invent anything, nor does he say anything of his own volition. He fulfils his task by God’s leave, as He has commanded him. He is indeed ‘light-giving beacon’. He dispels darkness, removes doubts and enlightens the way. He is a beacon that gives light to guide people aright, like a lamp that dispels darkness on the road.
Such was Muĥammad, God’s Messenger, (peace be upon him), and such was the light he gave. He gave to people a clear and lucid concept of existence, of their relation with God and their position in relation to the universe and its Creator. He gave us a clear value system, one which is essential for the right existence of the universe and man’s life therein. He also gave us a clear and decisive explanation of the origin of life and its end, the goal it serves and the course by which it is served. No ambiguity is found in anything he has given. His is a style that addresses human nature directly, using its wider gates and the most effective of ways.
The sūrah repeats once more the Prophet’s task of giving good news to the believers, expressing this in more detail: “Give to the believers the good news that a great bounty from God awaits them.” (Verse 47) This gives flesh to something it mentioned in general a little earlier on: “Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news and a warner.” (Verse 45) Thus, the details serve to further explain God’s favours bestowed on the believers.
This address o the Prophet concludes with an order to him not o pay any heed to the unbelievers and hypocrites, not to care about their actions or whether these may hurt him or his followers, and to always place his trust in God: “Do not yield to the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their hurting actions. Place your trust in God; for God alone is worthy of all trust.” (Verse 48) It is the same address given at the outset of the sūrah, before it outlines any legislation for social reorganization. The Prophet is further instructed not o care for their hurting actions. He must not try to spare himself such hurt by relenting to them in anything, or relying on them in any way. God is sufficient for him to place his trust in Him alone.
We see how the situation of Zayd and Zaynab and the abrogation of the tradition that prohibited marriage with the divorcee of an adopted son was indeed difficult, requiring confirmation and explanation by God. This is why it was preceded by a long explanation and concluded with a long comment. All this emphasizes God’s great care shown to the believers who must receive His orders with total acceptance and a willing submission.