Tafsir Zone - Surah 37: as-Saffat (Those Lined Up)

Tafsir Zone

Surah as-Saffat 37:174

(Verses 174 - 182)

When this true promise has been declared, God orders His Messenger to turn away from unbelievers, leaving them to God’s word and promise to take effect. He should, however, watch them as the word proves true, for they will see with their own eyes how this comes about:
So, turn away from them for a while, and watch them; in time, they too will come to see. Do they really wish to hasten Our punishment? When it strikes in their midst, terrible will be the morning of those who were already warned. And again, turn away from them for a while, and watch them; in time, they too will come to see. (Verses 174-179)

The Prophet is told to leave them alone and not care for them. He is further told to wait for the day when he and they will see what God’s promise means for him and them. If they hasten His punishment, they will suffer greatly when it falls upon them. Should this strike a community, they will have got what is certain to grieve them. Again, the Prophet is told to abandon them to their fate. This order implies further warning to them, and again the sūrah advises that the outcome will be terrible: “And again, turn away from them for a while, and watch them; in time, they too will come to see.” (Verses 178-179) What will happen is left unspecified, implying great terror.
The sūrah concludes with extolling God’s glory, stating that all might belongs to Him alone. It adds the blessing and greeting of peace to God’s messengers, and declares that all praise is due to God, the Lord of all, who has no partners whatsoever:
Limitless in His glory is your Lord, the Lord of almightiness, above all what people attribute to Him. And peace be upon all His messengers. All praise is due to God, the Lord of all the worlds. (Verses 180-182)

It is indeed a fitting ending that sums up the main issues discussed in the sūrah as a whole.