Tafsir Zone - Surah 30: ar-Rum (The Romans)

Tafsir Zone

Surah ar-Rum 30:8

Overview (Verses 8 - 10)

An Invitation to Reflect
As both God’s promise of victory and the certainty of the life to come are related to the truth upon which the universe is founded, the sūrah takes us on a round through the universe and through the depths of our own souls. It wants people to appreciate this fundamental truth which they overlook when they remain unmindful of the life to come: Would they never reflect in their own minds? God has not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them other than in accordance with the truth and for a specific term set [by Him]. Yet there are many people who deny the truth that they will meet their Lord. (Verse 8) Their very nature and the nature of the universe around them suggest that this whole existence is based on the truth and its consistent, unchanging laws that do not permit friction or conflict. They follow neither blind coincidence, nor changing desires. The whole universe operates according to the accurate system God has put in place for it.
It is a requirement of this truth that there should be a second life when reward for action is given, with good deeds being granted handsome reward while evil ones are fairly and fully requited. Yet everything takes place at its appointed time, without a moment’s hurry or delay. That people do not know the timing of the Last Hour does not mean that it will not come. The fact that its time is unknown, however, tempts those who are deluded by the little they know of the outer surface of this life: “Yet there are many people who deny the truth that they will meet their Lord.” (Verse 8)
The sūrah then takes us on a different round, looking deep in history so as to reflect on the operation of God’s laws that never change: Have they never travelled around the world and seen what was the fate of those who lived before their time? Superior were those in power than they are, and they cultivated the earth and built it up even better than these are doing. To them also came their messengers with all evidence of the truth. Yet, it was not God who wronged them, but it was they who had wronged themselves. But then, evil was the end of those who wrought evil, denying God’s revelations and deriding them. (Verses 9-10) This is an invitation to carefully consider the fates of past communities. These were ordinary people belonging to God’s creation. The ends they met indicate what ends await present and future generations, since God’s laws are applicable to all, and they are part of the universal truth that does not favour any particular generation, nor make allowances for changing desires. Far be it from God to do so. This invitation wants people to understand the truth of life and its bonds, and the true nature of humanity which has the same origin and the same end throughout all generations. Thus, no single generation can look at itself or its life, values and concepts in isolation, heedless of the strong bond between all human generations, the laws that apply to them all and the values that remain valid throughout human life.
Those past generations lived before the Arab unbelievers in Makkah. They were superior in power to those Arabs, “and they cultivated the earth,” opened it up and discovered its treasures, “and built it up even better than these are doing.” They had a higher standard of civilization than the Arabs and were better able to raise life standards. Yet they confined themselves to the outer surface of the life of this world, not delving beyond it. “To them also came their messengers with all evidence of the truth,” but they did not open their eyes and minds to such evidence. They refused to believe and so deprived themselves of the light that illuminates the way. Hence, God’s law of dealing with communities that refuse to believe applied to them. Neither their power, nor knowledge, nor civilization were of any avail to them. They had their fair retribution: “It was not God who wronged them, but it was they who had wronged themselves.” (Verse 9) “But then, evil was the end of those who wrought evil.” (Verse 10) Since they entertained evil, evil was their end. This was the right recompense for “denying God’s revelations and deriding them.” (Verse 10)
The Qur’ān invites those who deny God’s revelations to travel on earth so that they do not remain confined to their own locality. They must reflect on the ends met by those earlier communities and realize what their own end could be. They should know that God’s law applies to all without favouritism. They should open their minds to the fact that humanity is one, the divine message is one and the laws that apply to all generations of humanity are the same. This is the concept Islam is keen to instil in the minds and hearts of all believers. Hence, it is repeatedly stated in the Qur’ān.