Tafsir Zone - Surah 20: Ta Ha (Ta Ha)

Tafsir Zone

Surah Ta Ha 20:72

Overview (Verses 72 - 76)

Hearts Touched by Faith
But it was too late for Pharaoh. Faith had touched the hearts of those sorcerers and the small, insignificant person within each of them was now in firm contact with the great source of real power. Hence, they were now very strong, while all earthly powers were weak. Indeed the whole life on earth is too small when compared to the broad, bright horizons to which those believing hearts now looked up. All that pertains to life on earth is of no consequence: “They answered: Never shall we prefer you to all the evidence of the truth that has come to us, nor to Him who has brought us into being! Decree, then, whatever you are going to decree. You can only decree on what pertains to this worldly life. As for us, we have come to believe in our Lord, hoping that He may forgive us our faults and all that magic to which you have forced us. God is certainly the best and He is Everlasting.” (Verses 72-73)
This is the sort of change faith brings about in the hearts of people who, until a moment earlier, were submissive to Pharaoh, considering their highest achievement to be close to him, receiving his favours. Now they are ready to confront him with a determination that puts his power, throne and wealth in proper perspective: “Never shall we prefer you to all the evidence of the truth that has come to us, nor to Him who has brought us into being!” (Verse 72) Such evidence is much more precious in our view, and God, our Creator, is far dearer to us than anything else. “Decree, then, whatever you are going to decree.” (Verse 72) This is a challenge to Pharaoh to do his worst. He cannot stop them. “You can only decree on what pertains to this worldly life.” (Verse 72)
This is as far as Pharaoh’s power extends. They tell him clearly that he has no authority over them anywhere other than in this worldly life, which is short, momentary and of little value. Whatever punishment he may inflict on them is too trivial to be feared by a heart that has established close contact with God and hopes to receive His reward in the hereafter. “As for us, we have come to believe in our Lord, hoping that He may forgive us our faults and all that magic to which you have forced us.” (Verse 73) They tell him that in the past they could not disobey him when he forced them to practise magic. Now that they have faith, they hope to be forgiven by God who, they realize, is the best and the everlasting. His reward is far more plentiful and enjoyed for much longer than any worldly reward.
The sorcerers who came to believe in God were inspired by their faith to adopt an attitude that looked down on Pharaoh and his power: He who shall appear before his Lord [on Judgement Day] laden with sin shall be consigned to hell, where he shall neither die nor live. But he who shall appear before Him as a believer, having done righteous deeds, shall be exalted to the highest ranks, abiding in the gardens of Eden, through which running waters flow. Such shall be the recompense of those who keep themselves pure. (Verses 74-76) Pharaoh had originally threatened them, saying that his punishment was more severe and longer lasting. Their reply provides an image of one who comes on the Day of Judgement to meet his Lord, being fully laden with sin. The punishment such a person receives is indeed the longer lasting and more painful, because such a person “shall be consigned to hell, where he shall neither die nor live.” (Verse 74) He does not enjoy the termination of pain that a dead person normally has, nor is he living so as to enjoy life’s pleasures. He simply receives a painful punishment that leads to neither life nor death. On the opposite side the highest ranks are shown. These are the gardens of bliss, irrigated by running waters. Such is “the recompense of those who keep themselves pure,” purging themselves of all sin.
Thus these new believers take no notice of a despot’s threats, and instead stand up to him with the powerful words of faith. They are profoundly confident, issue a warning based on faith and express their hopes based on a newly-found faith.
This confrontation is recorded in the history of mankind as a declaration of man’s freedom, after throwing away the shackles of this worldly life, its powers, worries and aspirations. No human heart can adopt such a confrontational attitude unless it believes in God and relies on His support.