Tafsir Zone - Surah 32: as-Sajdah (The Prostration)

Tafsir Zone

Surah as-Sajdah 32:6

Overview (Verses 6 - 7)

Perfection of Creation

“Such is He who knows all that is beyond the reach of human perception, and all that can be witnessed, the Almighty, the Most Merciful.” (Verse 6) The Creator who regulates everything is the One who knows everything, whether absent or present. He is in complete control of all creation, and He is able to accomplish what He wills. But He is also Most Merciful in what He wills and plans for His creation.

“Who makes most excellent everything that He creates.” (Verse 7) My Lord! This is indeed the truth as we see and feel with our eyes, hearts and minds. This is the truth apparent in the shapes and functions of all things; in their individual natures, and in their harmony, complementarity, forms, different situations and actions, and in all that to which excellence applies.

All glory to Him. Such is His making that we see clearly in all creation. It reflects excellence and perfection. Nothing is made in excess and nothing falls short. Instead, complete perfection is maintained throughout, in size, shape, form and function. Nothing goes beyond the limit of perfect harmony, or takes place ahead of, or later than its proper time. Everything, from the tiny particle to the largest things, from the single cell to the most complex of bodies, reflects excellence and perfection. The same applies to actions, stages and events, which are all created by God. They take place in accordance with an elaborate plan, at the time and in the place and space determined for them. It all fits within the overall plan made for this existence from its beginning to its end.

Every creature, everything is brought into existence for a purpose. It is made for that purpose and given all the qualities and characteristics that enable it to fulfil that purpose. Indeed, a single cell is equipped to do its functions; a worm is given many legs, or capillaries, softness and flexibility so that it can move along without difficulty. Look at a fish, a bird, a reptile, an animal, and look at man, planet, star, and celestial bodies. Reflect on their accurate cycles and controlled movements. Look at anything and everything, wherever your eyes can stretch. You will find that everything is made with excellence and perfection.

An open eye, an alert feeling and a receptive heart see beauty and excellence in this existence as a whole and in its every component part. Reflection on God’s creation, wherever we look or think, gives us a complete range of beauty where everything is in harmony. When we so appreciate God’s great and beautiful creation we are indeed imbued with a sweet happiness. We look at aspects of perfection and excellence in everything we see, hear and encounter. What is more, this relates directly to the beauty of what God makes throughout the universe.

Our hearts and minds cannot appreciate any aspect of such beauty and happiness, however, unless we shed our sense of familiarity and listen to the music the universe produces. We need to look by the light God has given us so that things reveal the beauty inherent in them as a result of His making. We also need to remember God whenever we see any of His beautiful creation, so that we feel the link between the Creator and creation. This enhances our appreciation of beauty, because we see beyond everything God’s own beauty and majesty.

The beauty of the universe is inexhaustible. We can appreciate and enjoy it without restriction, as much as we can or wish. This is indeed what God, the Creator of the universe, wants us to do.

This element of beauty in the universe is deliberate. The excellence of creation is such that the perfect functioning of everything generates immense beauty. Moreover, such perfect make-up is then reflected back in a beautiful image of every individual and every creature. Look at a bee, a flower, a star, the night, the dawn, shadows, clouds, and appreciate the music that plays throughout the universe. Such harmony allows no deviation or crookedness.

The Qur’ān directs our attentions to this incomparable beauty so that we contemplate what we see and thus enjoy it. This is achieved through the statement: “Who makes most excellent everything that He creates.” (Verse 7) We are thus invited to look for beauty and excellence throughout the universe.

Genes and Evolution

“Who makes most excellent everything that He creates. He begins the creation of man out of clay.” (Verse 7) One aspect of His excellent creation is the fact that man’s creation was begun from clay. The phraseology of this verse allows it to be understood as meaning that the clay was present at the beginning, in the first stage. No mention is made of the number, length or duration of the stages that followed this initial clay stage. Hence, the door is open for any accurate study, particularly when we join this statement to the one in Sūrah 23, The Believers, which says: “Indeed, We create man out of the essence of clay.” (23: 12) This statement allows the understanding that there was some sequence in the stages of human creation going back to the clay one.

This may be a reference to the start of the first living cell on earth, meaning that it started from clay, and which was prior to God breathing life into it. No one has unfathomed this secret yet: what it is or how it happened. It is from the living cell that man originated. The Qur’ān does not mention how this took place, or how long it took to be accomplished, or how many stages it had to go through. Therefore, it is open to investigation. Such investigation, however, is by no means contrary to the accurate Qur’ānic statement that man’s first origin was clay. Within these limits we can safely say that we rely on the definitive Qur’ānic statement and accept the result of proper scientific investigation.

It is appropriate to refer here to Darwin’s theory of evolution which claims that all species have originated from one-cell organisms and progressed in consecutive stages up to that of man. It also claims that the stages of evolution are continuous, making man’s immediate ancestor a species of animal that is more advanced than the chimpanzee but lower than man. This theory is wrong on this point. The discovery of genes and chromosomes — which Darwin did not know about — makes progress from one species to another impossible. Every cell carries genes that preserve the distinctive characteristics of every species, and make it inevitable that it stays as a separate species, with no movement from one species to another. This means that cats will remain cats forever. The same applies to dogs, cows, horses, apes and man. According to genealogists, all that can happen is progress within the same species, but not to a different one. This invalidates the major part of Darwin’s theory which people thought at one stage to be scientifically indisputable. How deluded they were!