Tafsir Zone - Surah 24: an-Nur (The Light)

Tafsir Zone

Surah an-Nur 24:56

Overview (Verse 56 - 57)

Not Included in God’s Promise

“Those who, after this, choose to disbelieve are indeed wicked.” (Verse 55) They are the ones who do not meet God’s conditions, and, therefore, God’s promise does not apply to them.

God’s promise was fulfilled once, and remained effective for as long as the Muslims continued to meet His conditions: “They will thus worship Me alone and associate with Me no partners whatsoever.” (Verse 55) This includes any partners, whether in the form of deities to which worship is addressed or desires and ambitions. They must believe and do righteous deeds. God’s promise applies to anyone who meets these conditions, and it remains in force till the end of human life. However, victory, power and security may be slow in coming, but this will only be the result of a failure by the believers to meet some aspects of the conditions outlined, or their failure to attend to a particular duty involved. But when the Muslim community has benefited by the trials they have to endure and passed the test God sets for them; when they have endured fear and sought security; when they yearn for dignity after having suffered humiliation; when they aspire to having power after being weak; God’s promise will be fulfilled to them in spite of any opposing power. One proviso applies, however: in their perseverance through tests and trials, and in their aspiration to the fulfilment of God’s promise, the believers must always resort to the means God has outlined and fulfil the conditions He has made clear.

Therefore, the promise is followed with an order to attend to Islamic duties, such as prayer, zakāt and obeying the Prophet. Moreover, the Prophet and his followers must never give any weight to the power of unbelievers who fight them on account of their faith. Attend regularly to your prayers and pay your zakāt, and obey the Messenger, so that you might be graced with God’s mercy. Do not think that the unbelievers can frustrate [God’s plan] on earth. The fire is their abode, and vile indeed is such a journey’s end. (Verses 56-57) Believers must maintain their bond with God, keep their minds and hearts on the right path through prayer, resist stinginess, purify themselves as individuals and as a community through the payment of zakāt, obey the Prophet and accept his judgement, implement God’s law in all matters, great or small, so as to set human life on the path He has chosen. Believers must do all this so that they “might be graced with God’s mercy.” (Verse 56) In this life, God’s mercy removes corruption, fear, worry and error, and in the hereafter, it removes His punishment.

Addressing them directly, God says to the believers: if you remain steadfast, following My path, then you need not worry about the might of the unbelievers. They cannot frustrate God’s purpose on earth. The power they apparently wield will not stand in your way. You are far stronger when equipped with your faith, implement your system and raise whatever power you can muster. In material power, you may not be a match for them, but believers who strive for the truth can work miracles.

Islam is a great truth which must be carefully examined by anyone who wishes to see the fulfilment of God’s promise outlined in the above verses. Such a person must also look at how it came true in human history, understand the true meaning of its conditions before entertaining any doubt about it or worry about the slowness of its fulfilment.

Never did the Muslim community follow God’s way, implementing the constitution He has laid down, allowing it to operate in all spheres of life, without reaping the reward of God’s promise to grant it power and security. Whenever it abandoned this course, it went to the end of the line, suffered humiliation, lived in fear and misery and saw its faith retreat from guiding human life.

Nevertheless, God’s promise remains in force, and His conditions are well defined. Whoever wants to see the promise fulfilled, must do their task and fulfil its conditions. No one is ever more true to his promises than God.