Tafsir Zone - Surah 42: ash-Shura (Consultation )

Tafsir Zone

Surah ash-Shura 42:44

Overview (Verses 44 - 46)

What Price for a Second Chance?

Having outlined the qualities of believers who have ample and more lasting reward from God, the surah paints the opposite picture of those who go astray and inflict injustice. They will inevitably suffer humiliation: He whom God lets go astray will have no one else to protect him. When the wrongdoers come face to face with the suffering [awaiting them], you will see them exclaiming, 'Is there any way of return?' You shall see them brought before the fire, disgraced and humiliated, looking with a furtive glance. The believers will then say: 'The true losers are the ones who have forfeited themselves and their kindred on this Day of Resurrection.' Indeed the wrongdoers will fall into long-lasting suffering. No protector whatever will they have to help them against God. He whom God lets go astray shall find no way forward. (Verses 44-46)

What God wills is certain to take place. No one can change a course God has determined. Hence, "He whom God lets go astray will have no one else to protect him." (Verse 44) When God knows, on the basis of a person's true attitude and actions that he deserves to be left astray, His word that this person be left to follow his own devices will be done. He will then have no one to save him from error or its ultimate results, or to assist in its retraction: "When the wrongdoers come face to face with the suffering [awaiting them], you will see them exclaiming, 'Is there any way of return?' You shall see them brought before the fire, disgraced and humiliated, looking with a furtive glance." (Verses 44-45)

In this present world, the wrongdoers are normally arrogant, despotic and transgressors. Hence, their highlighted aspect on the Day of Judgement is that of humiliation. They see the suffering awaiting them and their pride crumbles. Subdued, they will meekly ask: "Is there any way of return?' It is a question that combines eagerness and despair of any chance to save themselves. They are made to see the fire and they look at it in disgrace and utter humiliation. They cannot lift their eyes; therefore, they cast only a furtive glance.

It will be clear then that the believers are the ones who state the truth: "The believers will then say: The true losers are the ones who have forfeited  themselves and their kindred on this Day of Resurrection." (Verse 45) They are the ones who have lost everything, standing there humbly asking for a second chance that will not be given. The final comment on this image explains the outcome for those brought before the fire:

"Indeed the wrongdoers will fall into long-lasting suffering. No protector whatever will they have to help them against God. He whom God lets go astray shall find no way forward." (Verses 45-46) No support will be forthcoming as the final word has been said and all ways are sealed.