Tafsir Zone - Surah 35: Fatir (The Creator )

Tafsir Zone

Surah Fatir 35:4

Overview (Verses 4 - 7)

The True Promise

The first address is aimed at the Prophet: “If they accuse you of lying, other messengers, who had gone before you, were similarly accused. It is to God that all things return.” (Verse 4) With all these truths easily and clearly recognizable, you need not worry that they accuse you of lying. The same thing happened to earlier messengers. All matters eventually return to God who determines every end the way He pleases.
Then the address is made general, to all people:People! God’s promise is true indeed. So do not let the life of the present world delude you, and do not let deceptive thoughts about God delude you. Satan is your enemy, so treat him as an enemy. He only calls on his followers so that they will be among those destined for the blazing fire. (Verses 5-6)

God’s promise is true: there is no doubt that it will come; it is a reality that will not fail; it is the truth. Nothing can cause it to disappear, lose its way or change. Nevertheless this present life can delude people, as can Satan. Therefore, do not let anything get the better of you: “do not let the life of the present world delude you, and do not let deceptive thoughts about God delude you.” (Verse 5) Satan has declared his hostility to you and that he will never be anything but an enemy to you. Therefore, “treat him as an enemy.” (Verse 6) Do not befriend him, listen to his advice, follow in his footsteps, for no rational person would follow in his enemy’s footsteps. Moreover, you should realize that he does not call you to anything good, nor does he want you to be safe: “He only calls on his followers so that they will be among those destined for the blazing fire.” (Verse 6) Can anyone with reason and clear thinking answer a call that would put him in the fire?
This is a sincere, heartfelt address. When man remembers the eternal battle he has to fight against his avowed enemy, Satan, he will muster all his strength, defending himself and ensuring his own safety. He will do his utmost not to fall to any temptation, keep himself on guard, evaluate every thought by the scales God has given him. He is alert to the fact that any seemingly innocent thought may involve clever deception by his old enemy.
This is the sort of sensitivity Islam wants its followers to have. They need to be on the alert so as to reject any temptation Satan presents. This entails the mobilization of all one’s responses against evil, both its inner appeal and surface attraction. Thus, one is always on red alert, prepared to engage in this battle which rages persistently throughout this present life.
Such single-mindedness demanded from believers is followed by an outline of the fate of those who responded to Satan’s call. To reinforce the contrast, the situation of the believers who reject him and drive him away is reiterated: “For the unbelievers there is severe suffering in store; while for those who believe and do righteous deeds there is forgiveness of sins and a great reward.” (Verse 7)