Tafsir Zone - Surah 30: ar-Rum (The Romans)

Tafsir Zone

Surah ar-Rum 30:38

Overview (Verses 38 - 39)

Since it is God who grants provisions and sustenance, giving in abundance or in small measure as He pleases, He indicates to people the way in which they can make handsome profit, increasing their wealth. This is different from what they think: Hence, give his due to the near of kin, as well as to the needy and the traveller in need. This is best for all who seek God’s countenance. It is they who shall be successful. Whatever you may give out in usury so that it might increase through other people’s property will bring no increase with God, whereas all that you give out in charity, seeking God’s countenance, will bring you multiple increase. (Verses 38-39) Since all wealth belongs to God and it is He who grants it to some of His servants, He, the original owner, has determined that a portion of it should go to certain groups, to be given to them by those who are in actual possession of it. Therefore, He calls it a right due to these groups, of which the sūrah mentions here “the near of kin, the needy and the traveller in need.” At the time this sūrah was revealed, zakāt had not yet been determined, nor its beneficiaries. The principle, however, is stated clearly, making all money God’s property since it is He who grants it in the first place, and assigning to certain needy groups a right which they should receive from those who are in possession of the money. This is the basic financial principle Islam lays down, from which all aspects of the Islamic economic theory derive. Since all money and wealth belong to God, it is subject to what He, as the original owner, determines with regard to how it is owned, invested or spent. The person who is in control of it does not enjoy absolute authority in this respect.

God Almighty issues this directive to those He has placed as trustees of wealth showing them the best methods for investment, growth and prosperity. This means sharing with one’s near kin, the needy and stranded travellers, and spending generally in ways that serve God’s cause: “This is best for all who seek God’s countenance. It is they who shall be successful.” (Verse 38)

At that time some people tried to increase their money by giving gifts to wealthy individuals, hoping that they would receive better gifts in return. The sūrah tells them that this is not the way to achieve true growth: “Whatever you may give out in usury so that it might increase through other people’s property will bring no increase with God.” This is what some reports mention as the meaning of this statement, but it is a general statement that applies to all methods people use to usuriously increase their wealth.15 God also makes clear the way that ensures true growth: “Whereas all that you give out in charity, seeking God’s countenance, will bring you multiple increase.” (Verse 39)

This is the guaranteed way of increasing money: to give it freely, expecting no favours from anyone, but seeking only God’s pleasure. Is He not the One who gives sustenance in plenty or in small measure? Is He not the One who bestows or denies favours? He, thus, gives in multiples to those who spend of their money for no reason other than to please Him. He also takes away from the usurers who seek to increase their wealth at other people’s expense. One method makes its calculation by 15 This method is not forbidden like other methods based on usury. However, it is neither a proper nor honourable way to increase wealth. this world’s standards, while the other looks at the standards of the life to come, when rewards are given in multiples. This last method is the one that makes real profits both in this life and in the life to come