Tafsir Zone - Surah 36: Ya Sin (Ya Sin)

Tafsir Zone

Surah Ya Sin 36:33

Overview (Verses 33 - 36)

Only Look Around
There is a sign for them in the lifeless earth: We give it life and produce out of it grain for them to eat. We place in it gardens of date palms and grapes, and cause springs to gush out of it, so that they may eat of its fruit. It was not their own hands that made all this. Will they, then, not give thanks? Limitless in His glory is He who created all things in pairs: whatever the earth produces, their own human kind and other creatures of which they have no knowledge. (Verses 33-36) Everything around them in the universe speaks to them about God, giving evidence of His presence. They only need to look at the land in front of them and how they see it dead, lifeless, lacking a drop of water. Then they see it quicken, producing grain and adorned with gardens replete with dates and grapes. Springs of water gush through it; and in no time, it is full of life.
Life is a miracle which no man can produce. It is God’s hand that produces miracles, initiating life in what has been dead. The sight of growing plants, flowering gardens and ripening fruit should open people’s eyes and hearts to appreciate the wonderful work engendered by God’s hand. It splits the earth to allow the shoot to appear, longing for freedom and light, gives vigour to the stem which is eager to enjoy sunlight, loads the branches with leaves and fruit, opens up flowers and gets the fruit ready for picking, “so that they may eat of its fruit. It was not their own hands that made all this.” (Verse 35) It was God’s dextrous hand that enabled them to achieve all this; it was He who made the plants grow and yield their harvest: “Will they, then, not give thanks?” (Verse 35)
Having given them this gentle and inspiring touch, the sūrah then turns away from them a little to glorify God who gave them the flourishing gardens, making all plants in pairs, male and female, like men and women and countless other species known only to God: “Limitless in His glory is He who created all things in pairs: whatever the earth produces, their own human kind and other creatures of which they have no knowledge.” (Verse 36)