Tafsir Zone - Surah 35: Fatir (The Creator )

Tafsir Zone

Surah Fatir 35:3

Overview (Verse 3)

Who Else?
The third verse in this short passage confirms the import of the first two, reminding people of God’s blessings, emphasizing that God is the only One who creates and provides sustenance for His creation, and wondering at how people lose sight of this truth when it is so clear and obvious:
People! Remember the blessings God has bestowed upon you. Is there any creator other than God who can give you sustenance from heaven and earth? There is no deity other than Him. How can you turn away? (Verse 3)
Nothing is needed more than the mention of God’s blessings for people to see, feel and recognize them. Nevertheless, they do forget them. The earth around them and the skies above them give them abundant blessings and unlimited sustenance, in every step and at every moment. It is God the Creator who gives all this. They are asked here whether there is a different creator who provides them with all the good things in their hands. Obviously, they cannot say this. Indeed, they did not even claim this during their worst period of idolatry, associating all sorts of partners with God. Since there is none other than God to create and provide, why do they not remember and express gratitude? Why do they not address their gratitude to Him alone and express their thanks by praises and prayers? Indeed “There is no deity other than Him.” How is it that they turn away from this indisputable truth? “How can you turn away?” (Verse 3) It is most singular that anyone should turn away from this clear truth, evidenced by the constant sustenance they are provided with from heaven and earth. Even more singular is for a person to turn away from it all while admitting that all sustenance comes from God alone.
Just these three verses constitute the first section of the sūrah. In each we have an image that gives man rebirth. All that is needed is for him to firmly establish God’s truth in his heart and conscience.