Tafsir Zone - Surah 42: ash-Shura (Consultation )

Tafsir Zone

Surah ash-Shura 42:24

Overview (Verses 24)

God's Word of Truth

Once more the surah refers to the basic fact behind its central theme: Do they say, 'He has invented a lie about God?' If God so willed, He could seal your heart and blot out all falsehood, and establish the truth by His words. He has full knowledge of what is in people's hearts. (Verse 24)

This verse tackles the last excuse the unbelievers offer to justify their attitude to revelation: "Do they say, 'He has invented a lie about God?'" (Verse 24) Is this why they do not believe the Prophet, claiming that God has not revealed anything to him? Such a claim is invalid. God would not allow anyone to fabricate lies about Him, claiming to receive revelations from Him when he does not, without taking that person to task. He is easily able to seal such a person's heart rendering him incapable of saying anything like the Qur'an. He is also able to expose the falsehood such a person says and establish the truth: "If God so willed, He could seal your heart and blot out all falsehood, and establish the truth by His words." (Verse 24) All Muhammad's thoughts are known to God, even before Muhammad (peace be upon him) expresses them: "He has full knowledge of what is in people's hearts." (Verse 24)

This last excuse is, thus, seen to be hollow and unfounded. Moreover, it is contrary to what is well established of God's knowledge of everyone's inner thoughts, His ability to accomplish what He wills and His law that remains in operation, establishing the truth and blotting out all falsehood. Thus, the revelation of the Qur'an is truly from God, and what Muhammad (peace be upon him) says is the truth. Claiming anything different from this is no more than a false allegation, one that is immersed in error.