Tafsir Zone - Surah 25: al-Furqan (The Criterion )

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-Furqan 25:20

Overview (Verse 20)

Entrusting God’s Message to Man

Thus they are shown to have witnessed the end of all false fabrication concerning faith and ridicule of God’s Messenger. Now the sūrah addresses the Prophet consoling and reassuring him, telling him that his was not a special case among God’s messengers. They all shared the same essential attributes: Even before you, We never sent messengers other than [men] who indeed ate food and went about in the market places. We have made some of you a means of testing others. Are you able to endure with patience? Surely your Lord sees all. (Verse 20)

If the unbelievers voice objections, these are not made against the Prophet in person; rather, they are objections to a law God has put in place for a definite purpose: “We have made some of you a means of testing others.” Thus, those who do not appreciate God’s wisdom and plans will object, while those who have full trust in His wisdom and support will persevere and remain reassured. The divine message will continue the struggle using human means and methods, so that those who have faith will demonstrate their patience in adversity: “Are you able to endure with patience?”

“Surely your Lord sees all.” He sees human nature, and what is in people’s inner thoughts. He sees to what end each one is driving. We note here the use of the possessive pronoun, ‘your Lord’, to give the Prophet a feeling of comfort and reassurance. God knows what best affects people’s hearts and feelings.