Tafsir Zone - Surah 25: al-Furqan (The Criterion )

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-Furqan 25:17

Overview (Verses 17 - 19)

Which is better: the end of the unbelievers already described in the sūrah or the paradise God has promised to the believers. He has indeed given them leave to ask Him about it, requesting the fulfilment of His promise, which is always honoured. They are free to request there whatever they wish for. Can the two be compared? The question is put sarcastically by way of reply to their own sarcasm levelled at the Prophet (peace be upon him).

The sūrah goes on to portray another scene of the Day of Judgement which is denied by the unbelievers. Now we see them gathered together with their alleged deities, and they all stand before God for interrogation: On the day He gathers them with all those they worship instead of God, He will ask: ‘Was it you who led these My servants astray, or did they by themselves stray from the right path?’ They will say. ‘Limitless are You in Your glory! It was never proper for us to take for our masters anyone but Yourself But You allowed them and their fathers to enjoy [the pleasures of] life, until they forgot the Reminder. For they were people devoid of all good. ‘[Then God will say]: ‘Now have they denied all your assertions, and you can neither avert [your punishment] nor obtain help. Whoever of you does wrong, him shall We cause to taste grievous suffering.’ (Verses 17-19)

The ones who were worshipped may be idols, angels or jinn, and indeed everyone and everything that has ever been worshipped instead of God or alongside Him. God certainly knows all the answers, but the interrogation carried out when all creatures are gathered together, standing there in the open, means reproach and publicity. As such the very interrogation is a means of fearful suffering. The answer comes from those who were worshipped. They declare their own submission to God Almighty, and that He is free of all that the unbelievers allege. They disclaim not merely any aspiration to Godhead, but also any thought on their part of taking for themselves any masters other than Him. They also ridicule the ignorant who associated partners with God and denied the Last Hour: “They will say: Limitless are You in Your glory! It was never proper for us to take for our masters anyone but Yourself. But You allowed them and their fathers to enjoy [the pleasures of] life, until they forgot the Reminder. For they were people devoid of all good.” (Verse 18)

The enjoyment that people are allowed for a long time, inheriting it generation after generation, without acknowledgement of the One who gives such blessings or expression of thanks and gratitude to Him, has been their main preoccupation. They forgot to turn to the One who gives us everything we have, and thus their hearts became devoid of all goodness, barren, like a land without fruit, vegetation or life.

At this point, the address is directed to those who worshipped such beings, emphasizing their humiliation: “Now have they denied all your assertions, and you can neither avert [your punishment] nor obtain help.” (Verse 19) You cannot do anything for yourselves, neither avoiding your well deserved punishment, nor gaining support from anyone or any quarter.

All this is shown as a scene of the Day of Judgement which is held before our eyes. Suddenly, the address is made to those unbelievers in their present condition here on earth: “Whoever of you does wrong, him shall We cause to taste grievous suffering.” (Verse 19) Such is the Qur’ānic method of addressing people’s hearts at the moment when they are ready to respond, influenced as they may be by the fearful scene already portrayed.