Tafsir Zone - Surah 60: al-Mumtahanah (The Woman Examined)

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-Mumtahanah 60:12


(Verse 12)

The Prophet is then instructed on how women should pledge their allegiance, and what the terms of their pledge should be:

Prophet! When believing women come and pledge to you that they will not associate any partner with God, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor lie about who fathered their children, nor disobey you in anything reasonable, then accept their pledge of allegiance and pray to God to forgive them. God is most forgiving, ever merciful. (Verse 12)

These terms outline the major elements of faith, and provide the framework of the new social system established by Islam. They comprise associating no partners with God in any way whatsoever. They confirm that offences with prescribed penalties, such as theft and adultery, should never be committed. Women should also pledge never to kill their children. This is a reference to the pre-Islamic practice of burying girls alive, and includes killing embryos for any reason. Women are placed in trust of their pregnancies. Another term of the pledge women give is that they should never "lie about who fathered their children."2 Ibn `Abbas says: "This means that they must not attribute to their husbands any child that does not belong to them. The same view is stated by Muqatil. Perhaps this term, coming as it does after that of refraining from adultery altogether, was to address some practices of pre-Islamic days, when a woman might sleep with several men and when she gave birth to a child, she would choose its father from among them on the basis of looks, or perhaps on some other basis when she knew who its true father was. However, the text includes this and any other case of falsehood in this regard. Perhaps Ibn 'Abbas and Muqatil referred to this particular situation because of a case at the time.

The last term in women's pledge of allegiance is that they must not "disobey you in anything reasonable." This means a commitment to obey