Tafsir Zone - Surah 32: as-Sajdah (The Prostration)

Tafsir Zone

Surah as-Sajdah 32:12

Overview (Verses 12 - 14)

Shameful Admission

Since they object to the very concept of resurrection, and express doubts about coming back to life, the sūrah raises before their eyes a scene of the Day of Judgement which is full of life and movement. Moreover, it reports its dialogue as if it was taking place now: If you could but see when those evildoers will hang down their heads before their Lord and say: ‘Our Lord.’ We have now seen and we have heard. Return us [to our earthly life] and we will do good deeds. We are now firm believers. Had We so willed, We could indeed have imposed Our guidance on every human being. Instead, My word shall be fulfilled: Most certainly will I fill hell with j inn and humans all together. ‘Taste this, for you [deliberately] forgot you would ever meet this day. We, too, will forget you; and taste this abiding suffering for all the evil you did.’ (Verses 12-14) This is a scene of shame, one wherein they acknowledge their error and admit the truth that they once denied. They now declare their certainty of what they used to doubt, and request a return to the earth to put right what they did wrong. They hang their heads in shame as they stand before their Lord whom they denied they would ever meet. All this happens, however, when it is too late, when no admission or declaration is of any use.

Before the sūrah gives the answer to their humble request, it states the facts that apply to the whole situation and which determine people’s fates: “Had We so willed, We could indeed have imposed Our guidance on every human being. Instead, My word shall be fulfilled: Most certainly will I fill hell with j inn and humans all together.” (Verse 13)

Had God so willed, He could have made all mankind follow only the way of His guidance, just like He did with creatures that are guided by an inspiration latent in their natures and who follow one way throughout their lives, such as insects, birds and animals, or like creatures who can only obey God, such as the angels. God has willed, however, that man should have a special nature with the propensity to follow either sound guidance or error. He has equipped man with the ability to choose either course. He can fulfil his role in the universe with this special nature God has given him within the overall system He has devised. Or, he will not. Hence, He has recorded His will to fill hell with jinn and humans who choose the path of error.

Those evildoers who stand in front of God, hanging their heads are among those upon whom God’s word shall be fulfilled. They will be told: “Taste this, for you [deliberately] forgot you would ever meet this day.” (Verse 14) The reference here is to the Day of Judgement, but it is described as this present day, as if we are looking at its scenes now. They are made to taste the suffering because they forgot this day and neglected to prepare for it when they had all the time they needed to do so. Taste it because “We, too, will forget you.” (Verse 14) Needless to say, God does not forget anyone, but they are treated like people who have been forgotten. They are humiliated and abandoned.

“And taste this abiding suffering for all the evil you did.” (Verse 14) The curtains are drawn and the final word has been said. The guilty evildoers are left to their abject fate. The reader feels as he passes these verses as if he has left them behind where they are looking fixedly at what awaits them.