Tafsir Zone - Surah 55: ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful )

Tafsir Zone

Surah ar-Rahman 55:1


(Verse 1 - 2)

Man's Creation and Education

In total, the surah is a general announcement issued from on high and echoed throughout the universe. Furthermore, it is understood by all who dwell in the universe.

It begins with a verse consisting of one word, al-Rahman, which we translate as 'the Lord of Grace'. This opening is intended in meaning, pronunciation and cadence. Al-Rahman: the word has a ring which is echoed everywhere far and loud. AI-Rahman: its rising intonation resonates throughout the universe, speaking to every creature. It fills the skies and the earth, and reaches every ear and every heart.

Al-Rahman. Just the one word, and the verse is finished. The whole universe hearkens, awaiting the great news that follows this great opening. It comes immediately:

[It is] the Lord of Grace who has taught the Qur'an. He created man and taught him to articulate thought and speech. The sun and the moon function in due measure. The stars and the trees prostrate themselves [before Him]. He has raised the skies high, and has set the balance, so that you may not exceed the balance. Weigh, therefore, with justice and do not fall short in the balance. He has laid the earth for His creatures, with all its fruits, its palm trees with sheathed clusters, its husked grain and its sweet-smelling plants. Which, then, of your Lord's blessings do you both deny? (Verses 1-13)
This is the first section detailing some of the blessings bestowed by the Lord of Grace. It gives the first news after the announcement He "has taught the Qur'an." This is indeed the highest possible favour that most splendidly reflects God's grace as it is bestowed on man. The Qur'an is the complete and accurate translation of the laws of the universe and the code of living chosen by heaven for people on earth. It establishes a clear relation between such laws and code, building faith, concepts, values, standards, systems and affairs on the same solid foundation of the universe. It thus gives man comfort, reassurance, understanding and a mutual response with the universe.

The Qur'an opens up man's senses and feelings to this beautiful universe, just as if it were being seen for the first time. It thus renews people's feelings about their own existence and the existence of the universe around them. It also goes even further than this, giving everything around them life such that it interrelates with humans. Thus wherever man travels or stays, throughout his journey on earth, he finds himself among caring and loving friends.

The Qur'an instils in people's minds that they are placed in charge of the earth, honoured by God, given the great trust that the heavens, the earth and the mountains were reluctant to undertake. It thus enables them to feel their own value, derived from the fulfilment of their higher human quality that can only be acquired through faith. It is faith that awakens the breath of God's spirit in people's souls and brings alive the highest favour God bestows on man.