Overview - Surah 87: al-A`la (The Most High )
The Surah speaks about the praise of Allah the Most High. He created everything. He created the human being and gave him capacity to make progress. Man can make progress if he obeys Allah's rules. The Qur'an is the message from Allah and He will guard it. The Prophet should continue giving the message to others. Those who accept it will benefit from it, but those who will reject it they will be the losers. It talks about the 'Akhirah and that this message is the same that was given to Prophets Ibrahim and Moses.
The Surah takes its name from the first Ayat, سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الْأَعْلَى "Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High," [87:1]
There are 19 Ayat in this Surah.
Total Ayat | 19 |
Total Words * | 72 |
Root Words * | 45 |
Unique Root Words * | 0 |
Makki / Madani | Makki |
Chronological Order* | 8th (according to Ibn Abbas) |
Year of Revelation* | 1st-3rd year of Prophethood |
Events during/before this Surah*
Revelation begins - Private Invitation to Islam
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Events during/after still to occur*
Revelation begins - Private Invitation to Islam ,Revelation begins - Private Invitation to Islam ,Public Invitation to Islam - Persecution of Muslims; antagonism - ridicule - derision - accusation - abuse and false propaganda.,Physical beating and torture of some Muslims - 1st Migration of Muslims to Abyssinia,2nd Migration to Abyssinia,Boycott of Banu Hashim Yr 1,Boycott of Banu Hashim Yr 2,Boycott of Banu Hashim Yr 3,Death of Abu Talib - Death of Khadijah - Stoning at Ta'if - al-Isra wal Mi'raj - Night Journey,1st Pledge of Aqabah,2nd Pledge of Aqabah,,Migration from Makkah to Madinah - Building of Masjid Nabi in Madinah - Treaty with Jews of Madinah - Marriage of Prophet to Aishah,Change of Qiblah from Jerusalem to Makkah - Battle of Badr,Battle of Uhud,,Battle of Ahzab - Expedition of Banu Quraydhah,Treaty of Hudaiybiyah - Letters to Kings and Rulers,,Conquest of Makkah - Battle of Hunain,Hajj led by Abu Bakr - Expedition of Tabuk,Farewell Hajj by Prophet - Death of Prophet - End of Divine Revelation
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Names of Prophets Mentioned
Ibrahim, Musa
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Surah Index
Abraham, God (knows that beyond comprehension) , Forgetting, Hell, Hell (inmates will neither die nor remain alive) , Life (path toward contentment made easy) , Moses
This short Surah contains three themes. Monotheism (Tawhid), instructions to the Prophet and the Hereafter. In the first verse, the doctrine of Monotheism has been compressed into a single sentence, saying that God’s name should be glorified and exalted, i.e. He should not be remembered by any name which might reflect a deficiency, fault, weakness, or an aspect of likeness, with created beings, for the root of all false creeds in the world are wrong concepts about God, which assumed the form of an erroneous name for His glorious and exalted Being. Therefore, for the correction of the creed, the primary thing is that God Almighty should be remembered only by the beautiful names which suit and befit Him. In the next three verses, it has been said: “Your Lord, glorification of Whose name is being enjoined, is He Who created everything in the Universe, proportioned it, set it a destiny, taught it to perform the function for which it is created, you witness this manifestation of His power day and night, that He creates vegetation on the earth as well as reduces it to mere rubbish. No other being has the power to bring about spring nor the power to prevent autumn.”
Then, in the following two verses, the Prophet is being consoled, “Do not worry as to how you will remember word for word the Qur’an that is being revealed to you. It is for Us to preserve it in your memory, and its preservation is not in any way the result of any excellence in you but the result of Our bounty and favour, otherwise if We so will, We can cause you to forget it.” Then, the Prophet has been told: “You have not been made responsible to bring everyone on to the right path; your only duty is to convey the truth, and the simplest way of conveying the truth is that admonition be given to him who is inclined to listen to the admonition and accept it, and the one who is not inclined to it, should not be pursued. The one who fears the evil consequences of deviation and falsehood, will listen to the truth and accept it, and the wretched one who avoids listening to and accepting it, will himself see his evil end.”
The discourse has been summed up, saying: “Success is only for those who adopt purity of belief, morals and deed, and remember the name of their Lord and perform the Prayer. But, on the contrary, the people are wholly lost in seeking the ease, benefits and pleasures of the world, whereas they should actually endeavor for their well being in the Hereafter, for the world is transitory and the Hereafter everlasting and the blessings of the Hereafter are far better than the blessings of the world. This truth has not been expressed only in the Qur’an but in the books of the Prophets Abraham and Moses too, it had been brought to the notice of man.
Manuscripts / Inscriptions
17th Century
1247 AH (1831 CE)
1st Century Hijrah (7th Century CE)
- Ibn Kathir mentions that the Prophet would read in the Eid prayer along with Jumuah Prayer Surah al-A'la [87].
‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir Al-Juhani said: “When the following was revealed: ‘So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most Great’,[69:52] the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to us: ‘Say this in your Ruku’.’ And when the following was revealed: ‘Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High.’[87:1] the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to us: ‘Say this in your prostrations.’” Ibn Majah
Total Word Count per Ayat (shows how many words per Ayat) = 0* | ||
The subject matter shows that this too is one of the earliest Surahs to be revealed, and the words: “We shall enable you to recite, then you shall never forget” of verse 6 also indicate that it was sent down in the period when the Messenger was not yet fully accustomed to receiving Revelation and at the time Revelation came down he feared lest he should forget its words. If this verse is read along with verse 114 of Surah 20: Ta Ha and verses 16-19 of Surah 75: al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) and the three verses are also considered with regard to their styles and contexts, the sequence of events seems to be that first in this Surah the Prophet was reassured to the effect: “Do not at all worry: We shall enable you to recite this Word, then you shall not forget it.” Then after a lapse of time, on another occasion, when Surah 75: al-Qiyamah was being revealed, the Prophet involuntarily began to rehearse the words of the Revelation. Thereupon it was said: “O Prophet do not move your tongue to remember this Revelation hastily. It is for Us to have it remembered and read. Therefore when We are reciting it, listen to its recital carefully. Again, it is for Us to explain its meaning.” Last of all, on the occasion of the revelation of Surah 20: Ta Ha, the Prophet on account of human weakness, again became afraid lest his memory should fail to preserve some portion of the 113 verses which were continuously revealed at that time, and therefore, he began to memorise them. Thereupon, it was said: “And see that you do not hasten to recite the Qur’an before its revelation is completed to you.” After this, it never so happened that he felt any such danger, for apart from these three places, there is no other place in the Qur’an where there might be a reference to this matter.
- أَنَّهُ قَالَ صَلَّى مُعَاذُ بْنُ جَبَلٍ الأَنْصَارِيُّ لأَصْحَابِهِ الْعِشَاءَ فَطَوَّلَ عَلَيْهِمْ فَانْصَرَفَ رَجُلٌ مِنَّا فَصَلَّى فَأُخْبِرَ مُعَاذٌ عَنْهُ فَقَالَ إِنَّهُ مُنَافِقٌ . فَلَمَّا بَلَغَ ذَلِكَ الرَّجُلَ دَخَلَ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَأَخْبَرَهُ مَا قَالَ مُعَاذٌ فَقَالَ لَهُ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم " أَتُرِيدُ أَنْ تَكُونَ فَتَّانًا يَا مُعَاذُ إِذَا أَمَمْتَ النَّاسَ فَاقْرَأْ بِالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا . وَسَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الأَعْلَى . وَاقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ . وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَى
'Mu'adh b. Jabal al-Ansari led his companions in the night prayer and prolonged it for them. A person amongst us said prayer (after having separated himself from the congregation). Mu'adh was informed of this, and he remarked that he was a hypocrite. When it (the remark) was conveyed to the man, he went to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and informed him of what Mu'adh had said. Upon this the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to him: Mu'adh, do you want to become a person putting (people) to trial? When you lead people in prayer, recite:" By the Sun and its morning brightness" (Surat ash-Shams)," Glorify the name of thy most high Lord" (Surat al-A`la) and" Read in the name of Lord" (Surat al-`Alaq), and "By the night when it spreads" (Surat al-Lail). ٍSahih Muslim
- Tawhid: Allah is Almighty, always glorify Him.
- Allah has taken the responsibility off of Holy Prophet's memorization of the Qur'an by assuring him that he will not forget any portion of it.
- Those who heed Allah's reminders will be successful in the Hereafter
Tafsir Zone
Overview (Verses 9 - 13) The Prophet’s Great Task “Give warning, therefore, [regardless of] whether such warning is of use.” (Verse 9) God has taught the Prophet so as not to forget, smoothed his way to perfect ease so that he may be able to discharge his great task of warning mankind. For this he has been the subject of careful preparation. Hence, he is asked to warn whenever he has a chance to address people and to convey to them God’s message. “Regardless of whether such warning is of use.” Warning is always useful. There will always be, in every land and every generation, those who will listen to the reminders and warnings and will benefit by them, no matter how corrupt their society is and how hardened their people are. If we ponder a little over the verses in this surah and their sequence, we realize how great the message entrusted to the Prophet is. To deliver it, and to give the warnings he is asked to give, he needs special equipment: a smooth way to perfect ease in everything, to be taught what to say, and God’s preservation of the message intact. Once the Prophet has delivered his message, his task is fulfilled. Everyone is left to choose his way. Destinies differ according to the choice of ways people follow: “He who fears God will heed it, but the most hapless wretch will turn aside from it, who shall be cast into the great fire, in which he shall neither die nor remain alive. Successful will be he who purifies himself and glorifies the name of his Lord and prays.” (Verses 10-15) The Prophet is told here that his warnings will benefit those who fear God and dread to incur His displeasure. Any intelligent person will shudder when he learns that there is a Creator who proportions well, determines and guides. For he realizes that such a Creator must hold everyone responsible for their actions, good or evil, and will reward them accordingly. Hence they fear Him and heed the warnings they are given. “But the most hapless wretch will turn aside from it.” (Verse 11) If a man does not listen to the warning given, then he is absolutely “the most hapless wretch.” He lives in a void, uninspired by the facts surrounding him, turning a deaf ear and a senseless mind to the evidence they give. Such a person lives in constant worry, striving hard to attain the paltry pleasures of this world. Hence he is the most wretched in this life. But he is also the most wretched in the hereafter as he will there suffer endless torment: He “shall be cast into the great fire, in which he shall neither die nor remain alive.” (Verses 12-13) The great fire is that of hell. It is indeed the greatest of all fires in intensity, duration and size. He who suffers it finds it endless. He neither dies to rest from its torment, nor does he live in it a life of rest and security. It is an unending agony which makes the sufferer yearn for death as his greatest hope. |
Ibn Kathir (English)
Sayyid Qutb
Al Jalalain
الطبري - جامع البيان
ابن كثير - تفسير القرآن العظيم
القرطبي - الجامع لأحكام
البغوي - معالم التنزيل
ابن أبي حاتم الرازي - تفسير القرآن
ابن عاشور - التحرير والتنوير
ابن القيم - تفسير ابن قيّم
السيوطي - الدر المنثور
الشنقيطي - أضواء البيان
ابن الجوزي - زاد المسير
الآلوسي - روح المعاني
ابن عطية - المحرر الوجيز
الرازي - مفاتيح الغيب
أبو السعود - إرشاد العقل السليم
الزمخشري - الكشاف
البقاعي - نظم الدرر
الهداية إلى بلوغ النهاية — مكي ابن أبي طالب
القاسمي - محاسن التأويل
الماوردي - النكت والعيون
السعدي - تيسير الكريم الرحمن
عبد الرحمن الثعالبي - الجواهر الحسان
السمرقندي - بحر العلوم
أبو إسحاق الثعلبي - الكشف والبيان
الشوكاني - فتح القدير
النيسابوري - التفسير البسيط
أبو حيان - البحر المحيط
البيضاوي - أنوار التنزيل
النسفي - مدارك التنزيل
ابن جُزَيّ - التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل
علي الواحدي النيسابوري - الوجيز
السيوطي - تفسير الجلالين
المختصر في التفسير — مركز تفسير
Overview (Verses 9 - 13) The Prophet’s Great Task “Give warning, therefore, [regardless of] whether such warning is of use.” (Verse 9) God has taught the Prophet so as not to forget, smoothed his way to perfect ease so that he may be able to discharge his great task of warning mankind. For this he has been the subject of careful preparation. Hence, he is asked to warn whenever he has a chance to address people and to convey to them God’s message. “Regardless of whether such warning is of use.” Warning is always useful. There will always be, in every land and every generation, those who will listen to the reminders and warnings and will benefit by them, no matter how corrupt their society is and how hardened their people are. If we ponder a little over the verses in this surah and their sequence, we realize how great the message entrusted to the Prophet is. To deliver it, and to give the warnings he is asked to give, he needs special equipment: a smooth way to perfect ease in everything, to be taught what to say, and God’s preservation of the message intact. Once the Prophet has delivered his message, his task is fulfilled. Everyone is left to choose his way. Destinies differ according to the choice of ways people follow: “He who fears God will heed it, but the most hapless wretch will turn aside from it, who shall be cast into the great fire, in which he shall neither die nor remain alive. Successful will be he who purifies himself and glorifies the name of his Lord and prays.” (Verses 10-15) The Prophet is told here that his warnings will benefit those who fear God and dread to incur His displeasure. Any intelligent person will shudder when he learns that there is a Creator who proportions well, determines and guides. For he realizes that such a Creator must hold everyone responsible for their actions, good or evil, and will reward them accordingly. Hence they fear Him and heed the warnings they are given. “But the most hapless wretch will turn aside from it.” (Verse 11) If a man does not listen to the warning given, then he is absolutely “the most hapless wretch.” He lives in a void, uninspired by the facts surrounding him, turning a deaf ear and a senseless mind to the evidence they give. Such a person lives in constant worry, striving hard to attain the paltry pleasures of this world. Hence he is the most wretched in this life. But he is also the most wretched in the hereafter as he will there suffer endless torment: He “shall be cast into the great fire, in which he shall neither die nor remain alive.” (Verses 12-13) The great fire is that of hell. It is indeed the greatest of all fires in intensity, duration and size. He who suffers it finds it endless. He neither dies to rest from its torment, nor does he live in it a life of rest and security. It is an unending agony which makes the sufferer yearn for death as his greatest hope. |
- Surah 87. Al-A'la - Saad al Ghamidi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5sMtIxci8w&index=87&list=PLhM2xiAUdw2cAqW_o3zZkbhJNw0bnaBZN
- Surah 87. Al-A'la Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EebhuIjAByM&list=PLxpAkjlGauHfMFWX22VZWOKpzjr-vH_BM&index=87
- Surah 87. Al-A'la Muhammad Al Luhaydan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwmnK-vrhLc&index=87&list=PLxpAkjlGauHfKAYuQLRNAZomoezhfhRZeSurah 87. Al-A'la Idris Akbar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBz5f7a7uL8
- 87. Al-A'la Muhammad Minshawi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4j4GclVTOU&list=PLxpAkjlGauHdUcO_uc-8F8J2NUQRDZjPG&index=87