Surah al-Qasas (The Stories) 28 : 57
Yusuf Ali
Qur'an Dictionary
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Word | Arabic word | |
(28:57:1) waqālū And they say |
(28:57:2) |
(28:57:3) nattabiʿi we follow |
(28:57:4) l-hudā the guidance |
(28:57:5) |
(28:57:6) nutakhaṭṭaf we would be swept |
(28:57:7) |
(28:57:8) arḍinā our land |
(28:57:9) |
(28:57:10) numakkin We established |
(28:57:11) |
(28:57:12) ḥaraman a sanctuary |
(28:57:13) āminan secure |
(28:57:14) yuj'bā are brought |
(28:57:15) ilayhi to it |
(28:57:16) thamarātu fruits |
(28:57:17) kulli (of) all |
(28:57:18) shayin things |
(28:57:19) riz'qan a provision |
(28:57:20) |
(28:57:21) ladunnā Us |
(28:57:22) |
(28:57:23) aktharahum most of them |
(28:57:24) |
(28:57:25) yaʿlamūna know |
Explanatory Note
The sūrah then mentions what they said to the Prophet by way of justifying their negativity to his message. Basically, they would lose their power vis-a-vis neighbouring Arab tribes which revered the Ka`bah, honoured its custodians and venerated its idols. Those tribes would collaborate against them, or perhaps other enemies from outside Arabia would drive them away from their land as they could no longer rely on support from neighbouring tribes. The Qur’ān clearly shows them where security lies and what they should fear, citing both their history and their current state of affairs.Theirs is a superficial outlook, evaluating matters by earthly standards. That is why the Quraysh imagined, as many other people do, that following the guidance God has given exposes them to danger and tempts their enemies to attack them. They think it will deprive them of support and bring about their ruin: "They say: If we were to follow the guidance along with you, we would be torn away from our land."
They do not deny that what the Prophet advocated is proper guidance, but they fear their enemies will tear them away from their land. They forget God, the only One who provides support and protection. They overlook the fact that no force on earth can overcome them when they enjoy God’s support, and none can give them victory should God withdraw His support from them. Faith has just simply not touched their hearts. Had it done so, they would have had a different measure with which to appraise hostile forces and powers. Indeed, they would have had a completely different outlook, realizing that true security is found in enjoying God’s support, and that fear results from lack of His guidance. For certain, following God’s guidance is directly linked with real power and dignity. This is neither myth nor something said to comfort and reassure people. It is a profound truth which ensues from following God’s guidance. For this brings people into harmony with the laws that govern the universe and all powers operating in it. It enables them to make use of such powers for the benefit of mankind. It is God who has created the universe and set in operation all its laws. Those who follow God’s guidance can only derive strength from all this.
At the time, God gave them an answer that demonstrated the fallacy of their excuses. Who had given them security, and placed the Sacred Mosque in their land? Who was it who had made people from all over the world yearn to visit their land? Such visitors brought with them all manner of fruit and goods, presenting them in this sacred land while they were produced in unfamiliar areas and in different seasons. “Have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which are brought the fruits of all things, as a provision from Us.”
How could they fear being overpowered when they follow divine guidance. Is it not God who established the Sacred Mosque for them by the efforts of their first father, the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)? Is it logical that the One who gave them security when they disobeyed Him would then leave them to be torn apart when they do what pleases Him? “But most of them have no knowledge.” They do not know where security lies and where fear comes from. They do not know that everything is determined by God Almighty.
3. Surah Overview
According to Ibn Abbas (a great companion of the Prophet) the Surah 26: ash-Shu’ara’ (The Poets), Surah 27: an-Naml (The Ants) and Surah 28: al-Qasas (The Story) were sent down one after the other. The language, the style and the theme also show that the period of the revelation of these three Surahs is nearly the same. Another reason for their close resemblance is that the different parts of the story of Prophet Moses are mentioned in these Surahs together to make up a complete story.
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11. Tafsir Zone
Overview (Verses 57 - 61) Absurd Fears The sūrah then mentions what they said to the Prophet by way of justifying their negativity to his message. Basically, they would lose their power vis-a-vis neighbouring Arab tribes which revered the Ka`bah, honoured its custodians and venerated its idols. Those tribes would collaborate against them, or perhaps other enemies from outside Arabia would drive them away from their land as they could no longer rely on support from neighbouring tribes. The Qur’ān clearly shows them where security lies and what they should fear, citing both their history and their current state of affairs. This follows what was stated earlier in the sūrah about Moses and Pharaoh. It takes the unbelievers on a further round showing them the true causes of ruin, not least ingratitude for God’s blessings, denying His messengers, and turning a blind eye to His signs. This is followed by further verses that clearly outline true values. Thus, this present life, with all its pleasures, appear infinitesimal when compared to what God has in store for those who truly believe: They say. ‘If we were to follow the guidance along with you, we would be torn away from our land.’ Have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which are brought the fruits of all things, as a provision from Us? But most of them have no knowledge. How many a community that exulted in its life [of ease and plenty] have We destroyed. The dwellings they left behind were but scarcely inhabited. It is We who are the only heirs. Your Lord would never destroy a community without first sending them a messenger who would recite to them Our revelations. Never would We destroy a community unless its people are intent on wrongdoing. Whatever you are given is but for the enjoyment of life in this world and for its embellishment, but that which is with God is much better and more enduring. Will you not use your reason? Is the one to whom We have given a goodly promise which he shall certainly see fulfilled comparable to one whom We have given much of the enjoyment of this world but who, on Resurrection Day, will be one of those brought before Us? (Verses 57-61) Theirs is a superficial outlook, evaluating matters by earthly standards. That is why the Quraysh imagined, as many other people do, that following the guidance God has given exposes them to danger and tempts their enemies to attack them. They think it will deprive them of support and bring about their ruin: “They say: If we were to follow the guidance along with you, we would be torn away from our land.” (Verse 57) They do not deny that what the Prophet advocated is proper guidance, but they fear their enemies will tear them away from their land. They forget God, the only One who provides support and protection. They overlook the fact that no force on earth can overcome them when they enjoy God’s support, and none can give them victory should God withdraw His support from them. Faith has just simply not touched their hearts. Had it done so, they would have had a different measure with which to appraise hostile forces and powers. Indeed, they would have had a completely different outlook, realizing that true security is found in enjoying God’s support, and that fear results from lack of His guidance. For certain, following God’s guidance is directly linked with real power and dignity. This is neither myth nor something said to comfort and reassure people. It is a profound truth which ensues from following God’s guidance. For this brings people into harmony with the laws that govern the universe and all powers operating in it. It enables them to make use of such powers for the benefit of mankind. It is God who has created the universe and set in operation all its laws. Those who follow God’s guidance can only derive strength from all this. Where Real Security Lies The guidance provided by God lays down a perfect and practical way of life. When it is implemented, it achieves victory on earth, in addition to leading to happiness in the life to come. Its great distinctive feature is that it allows for no separation between what promotes happiness in this life and what achieves it in the life to come. It does not negate man’s interest in this world for the sake of the world beyond. It joins them together to achieve goodness in the heart, society and life as a whole. Thus, this present life is seen as the time for planting while the next life is the time for harvesting. This can only be achieved through following divine guidance and addressing all actions to God, aiming to earn His pleasure. Every time a community followed God’s guidance, He ultimately gave it power, security and sovereignty. This after it completed its preparations to shoulder the trust of being in charge. This is a law that has never failed. Many are those who fear the consequences of implementing divine law and following God’s guidance. They fear the hostility and the scheming of those who are hostile to divine faith, the collaboration of enemy powers and their economic and general sanctions. But all these fears are based on myth, just like those of the Quraysh when they said to the Prophet: “If we were to follow the guidance along with you, we would be torn away from our land.” (Verse 57) When those very people eventually embraced God’s guidance and implemented its rules, they were able to extend their authority over vast areas to the east and the west in less than a quarter of a century. At the time, God gave them an answer that demonstrated the fallacy of their excuses. Who had given them security, and placed the Sacred Mosque in their land? Who was it who had made people from all over the world yearn to visit their land? Such visitors brought with them all manner of fruit and goods, presenting them in this sacred land while they were produced in unfamiliar areas and in different seasons. “Have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which are brought the fruits of all things, as a provision from Us.” (Verse 57) How could they fear being overpowered when they follow divine guidance. Is it not God who established the Sacred Mosque for them by the efforts of their first father, the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)? Is it logical that the One who gave them security when they disobeyed Him would then leave them to be torn apart when they do what pleases Him? “But most of them have no knowledge.” (Verse 57) They do not know where security lies and where fear comes from. They do not know that everything is determined by God Almighty. If they really want to be spared aggression and loss of their lands, then they should avoid the causes of ruin: “How many a community that exulted in its life [of ease and plenty] have We destroyed. The dwellings they left behind were but scarcely inhabited. It is We who are the only heirs.” (Verse 58) To be ungrateful and show no thanks for God’s blessings is the reason that causes people’s ruin. The Quraysh had been given this sanctuary where they lived. They should beware of remaining ungrateful. If they continue so doing, they will leave themselves open to God’s punishment. They, thus, run the risk of being destroyed like the dwellers of those cities which they knew, the dwellings of destroyed communities which remain uninhabited: “The dwellings they left behind were but scarcely inhabited.” (Verse 58) Their houses are still standing, telling of what happened to the people who took God’s blessings for granted, never giving due thanks for them. They perished, leaving no offspring to inherit them. Thus, “it is We who are the only heirs.” (Verse 58) Yet God did not destroy those ungrateful communities without first sending a messenger to recite to them His revelations. This is the law to which He has committed Himself as an act of mercy: “Your Lord would never destroy a community without first sending them a messenger who would recite to them Our revelations. Never would We destroy a community unless its people are intent on wrongdoing.” (Verse 59) The purpose behind sending a messenger into the main population centre is that it becomes a focal point from which the divine message is delivered to neighbouring areas and then further a field. Thus, no one will have the excuse of not knowing the divine message. The Prophet was sent to Makkah, the main centre in Arabia, warning its people of the fate that befell earlier communities which denied their messengers after receiving God’s warnings. “Never would We destroy a community unless its people are intent on wrongdoing.” Such people continue to deny God’s revelations and messages, even though they know them to be true. Yet all the enjoyments, pleasures, possessions and wealth that is available in this life, as well as the land where God has granted them power, the produce He has given them and all that mankind has ever enjoyed throughout life on earth is all but scanty when measured against what God has in store: “Whatever you are given is but for the enjoyment of life in this world and for its embellishment, but that which is with God is much better and more enduring. Will you not use your reason?” (Verse 60) This is the ultimate valuation. It applies not only to what they fear to lose of possessions, land or security, or to what God grants them of power, riches and enjoyment, or to what He gives to different people to enjoy. It is the ultimate valuation of all that this life brings, even when it is in its perfect state and made to last without interruption or consequences. It is all part of “the enjoyment of life in this world and for its embellishment.” It counts for little when compared with that which God has. For that is by nature “much better and more enduring.” Hence the question is asked: “Will you not use your reason?” Comparing the two necessitates sound reasoning that knows the nature of both types. Hence the verse ends with this question. It alerts its addressees to the need to use their reason. The round thus concludes with setting the two lives side by side, giving everyone the ability to choose: “Is the one to whom We have given a goodly promise which he shall certainly see fulfilled comparable to one whom We have given much of the enjoyment of this world but who, on Resurrection Day, will be one of those brought before Us?” (Verse 61) On the one side we see those given a good promise by God and they find it on the Day of Judgement to be true. On the other, are those who took all the enjoyment life in this world could give, little and short as it is. They are forcibly brought forth on the Day of Resurrection for their deeds to be accounted for. The way this verse is phrased suggests that they are forced to come forward, afraid, dreading the outcome of the reckoning. This is indeed the final word in reply to their earlier excuses expressing their fearthat they will lose their land if they follow divine guidance. Even if this were to come about, it would still be better than being forcibly brought before God for reckoning and reward. For, following divine guidance brings security and power on earth and rich reward in the hereafter. It is only those who are totally oblivious of the true nature of power in the universe, who are unaware of where security lies and what causes fear that abandon divine guidance. They are the loserswho make a poor choice. They cannot avoid their inevitable ruin. |
Ibn Kathir (English)
Sayyid Qutb
Al Jalalain
الطبري - جامع البيان
ابن كثير - تفسير القرآن العظيم
القرطبي - الجامع لأحكام
البغوي - معالم التنزيل
ابن أبي حاتم الرازي - تفسير القرآن
ابن عاشور - التحرير والتنوير
ابن القيم - تفسير ابن قيّم
السيوطي - الدر المنثور
الشنقيطي - أضواء البيان
ابن الجوزي - زاد المسير
الآلوسي - روح المعاني
ابن عطية - المحرر الوجيز
الرازي - مفاتيح الغيب
أبو السعود - إرشاد العقل السليم
الزمخشري - الكشاف
البقاعي - نظم الدرر
الهداية إلى بلوغ النهاية — مكي ابن أبي طالب
القاسمي - محاسن التأويل
الماوردي - النكت والعيون
السعدي - تيسير الكريم الرحمن
عبد الرحمن الثعالبي - الجواهر الحسان
السمرقندي - بحر العلوم
أبو إسحاق الثعلبي - الكشف والبيان
الشوكاني - فتح القدير
النيسابوري - التفسير البسيط
أبو حيان - البحر المحيط
البيضاوي - أنوار التنزيل
النسفي - مدارك التنزيل
ابن جُزَيّ - التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل
علي الواحدي النيسابوري - الوجيز
السيوطي - تفسير الجلالين
المختصر في التفسير — مركز تفسير
Overview (Verses 57 - 61) Absurd Fears The sūrah then mentions what they said to the Prophet by way of justifying their negativity to his message. Basically, they would lose their power vis-a-vis neighbouring Arab tribes which revered the Ka`bah, honoured its custodians and venerated its idols. Those tribes would collaborate against them, or perhaps other enemies from outside Arabia would drive them away from their land as they could no longer rely on support from neighbouring tribes. The Qur’ān clearly shows them where security lies and what they should fear, citing both their history and their current state of affairs. This follows what was stated earlier in the sūrah about Moses and Pharaoh. It takes the unbelievers on a further round showing them the true causes of ruin, not least ingratitude for God’s blessings, denying His messengers, and turning a blind eye to His signs. This is followed by further verses that clearly outline true values. Thus, this present life, with all its pleasures, appear infinitesimal when compared to what God has in store for those who truly believe: They say. ‘If we were to follow the guidance along with you, we would be torn away from our land.’ Have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which are brought the fruits of all things, as a provision from Us? But most of them have no knowledge. How many a community that exulted in its life [of ease and plenty] have We destroyed. The dwellings they left behind were but scarcely inhabited. It is We who are the only heirs. Your Lord would never destroy a community without first sending them a messenger who would recite to them Our revelations. Never would We destroy a community unless its people are intent on wrongdoing. Whatever you are given is but for the enjoyment of life in this world and for its embellishment, but that which is with God is much better and more enduring. Will you not use your reason? Is the one to whom We have given a goodly promise which he shall certainly see fulfilled comparable to one whom We have given much of the enjoyment of this world but who, on Resurrection Day, will be one of those brought before Us? (Verses 57-61) Theirs is a superficial outlook, evaluating matters by earthly standards. That is why the Quraysh imagined, as many other people do, that following the guidance God has given exposes them to danger and tempts their enemies to attack them. They think it will deprive them of support and bring about their ruin: “They say: If we were to follow the guidance along with you, we would be torn away from our land.” (Verse 57) They do not deny that what the Prophet advocated is proper guidance, but they fear their enemies will tear them away from their land. They forget God, the only One who provides support and protection. They overlook the fact that no force on earth can overcome them when they enjoy God’s support, and none can give them victory should God withdraw His support from them. Faith has just simply not touched their hearts. Had it done so, they would have had a different measure with which to appraise hostile forces and powers. Indeed, they would have had a completely different outlook, realizing that true security is found in enjoying God’s support, and that fear results from lack of His guidance. For certain, following God’s guidance is directly linked with real power and dignity. This is neither myth nor something said to comfort and reassure people. It is a profound truth which ensues from following God’s guidance. For this brings people into harmony with the laws that govern the universe and all powers operating in it. It enables them to make use of such powers for the benefit of mankind. It is God who has created the universe and set in operation all its laws. Those who follow God’s guidance can only derive strength from all this. Where Real Security Lies The guidance provided by God lays down a perfect and practical way of life. When it is implemented, it achieves victory on earth, in addition to leading to happiness in the life to come. Its great distinctive feature is that it allows for no separation between what promotes happiness in this life and what achieves it in the life to come. It does not negate man’s interest in this world for the sake of the world beyond. It joins them together to achieve goodness in the heart, society and life as a whole. Thus, this present life is seen as the time for planting while the next life is the time for harvesting. This can only be achieved through following divine guidance and addressing all actions to God, aiming to earn His pleasure. Every time a community followed God’s guidance, He ultimately gave it power, security and sovereignty. This after it completed its preparations to shoulder the trust of being in charge. This is a law that has never failed. Many are those who fear the consequences of implementing divine law and following God’s guidance. They fear the hostility and the scheming of those who are hostile to divine faith, the collaboration of enemy powers and their economic and general sanctions. But all these fears are based on myth, just like those of the Quraysh when they said to the Prophet: “If we were to follow the guidance along with you, we would be torn away from our land.” (Verse 57) When those very people eventually embraced God’s guidance and implemented its rules, they were able to extend their authority over vast areas to the east and the west in less than a quarter of a century. At the time, God gave them an answer that demonstrated the fallacy of their excuses. Who had given them security, and placed the Sacred Mosque in their land? Who was it who had made people from all over the world yearn to visit their land? Such visitors brought with them all manner of fruit and goods, presenting them in this sacred land while they were produced in unfamiliar areas and in different seasons. “Have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which are brought the fruits of all things, as a provision from Us.” (Verse 57) How could they fear being overpowered when they follow divine guidance. Is it not God who established the Sacred Mosque for them by the efforts of their first father, the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)? Is it logical that the One who gave them security when they disobeyed Him would then leave them to be torn apart when they do what pleases Him? “But most of them have no knowledge.” (Verse 57) They do not know where security lies and where fear comes from. They do not know that everything is determined by God Almighty. If they really want to be spared aggression and loss of their lands, then they should avoid the causes of ruin: “How many a community that exulted in its life [of ease and plenty] have We destroyed. The dwellings they left behind were but scarcely inhabited. It is We who are the only heirs.” (Verse 58) To be ungrateful and show no thanks for God’s blessings is the reason that causes people’s ruin. The Quraysh had been given this sanctuary where they lived. They should beware of remaining ungrateful. If they continue so doing, they will leave themselves open to God’s punishment. They, thus, run the risk of being destroyed like the dwellers of those cities which they knew, the dwellings of destroyed communities which remain uninhabited: “The dwellings they left behind were but scarcely inhabited.” (Verse 58) Their houses are still standing, telling of what happened to the people who took God’s blessings for granted, never giving due thanks for them. They perished, leaving no offspring to inherit them. Thus, “it is We who are the only heirs.” (Verse 58) Yet God did not destroy those ungrateful communities without first sending a messenger to recite to them His revelations. This is the law to which He has committed Himself as an act of mercy: “Your Lord would never destroy a community without first sending them a messenger who would recite to them Our revelations. Never would We destroy a community unless its people are intent on wrongdoing.” (Verse 59) The purpose behind sending a messenger into the main population centre is that it becomes a focal point from which the divine message is delivered to neighbouring areas and then further a field. Thus, no one will have the excuse of not knowing the divine message. The Prophet was sent to Makkah, the main centre in Arabia, warning its people of the fate that befell earlier communities which denied their messengers after receiving God’s warnings. “Never would We destroy a community unless its people are intent on wrongdoing.” Such people continue to deny God’s revelations and messages, even though they know them to be true. Yet all the enjoyments, pleasures, possessions and wealth that is available in this life, as well as the land where God has granted them power, the produce He has given them and all that mankind has ever enjoyed throughout life on earth is all but scanty when measured against what God has in store: “Whatever you are given is but for the enjoyment of life in this world and for its embellishment, but that which is with God is much better and more enduring. Will you not use your reason?” (Verse 60) This is the ultimate valuation. It applies not only to what they fear to lose of possessions, land or security, or to what God grants them of power, riches and enjoyment, or to what He gives to different people to enjoy. It is the ultimate valuation of all that this life brings, even when it is in its perfect state and made to last without interruption or consequences. It is all part of “the enjoyment of life in this world and for its embellishment.” It counts for little when compared with that which God has. For that is by nature “much better and more enduring.” Hence the question is asked: “Will you not use your reason?” Comparing the two necessitates sound reasoning that knows the nature of both types. Hence the verse ends with this question. It alerts its addressees to the need to use their reason. The round thus concludes with setting the two lives side by side, giving everyone the ability to choose: “Is the one to whom We have given a goodly promise which he shall certainly see fulfilled comparable to one whom We have given much of the enjoyment of this world but who, on Resurrection Day, will be one of those brought before Us?” (Verse 61) On the one side we see those given a good promise by God and they find it on the Day of Judgement to be true. On the other, are those who took all the enjoyment life in this world could give, little and short as it is. They are forcibly brought forth on the Day of Resurrection for their deeds to be accounted for. The way this verse is phrased suggests that they are forced to come forward, afraid, dreading the outcome of the reckoning. This is indeed the final word in reply to their earlier excuses expressing their fearthat they will lose their land if they follow divine guidance. Even if this were to come about, it would still be better than being forcibly brought before God for reckoning and reward. For, following divine guidance brings security and power on earth and rich reward in the hereafter. It is only those who are totally oblivious of the true nature of power in the universe, who are unaware of where security lies and what causes fear that abandon divine guidance. They are the loserswho make a poor choice. They cannot avoid their inevitable ruin. |