Tafsir Zone - Surah 28: al-Qasas (The Stories)

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-Qasas 28:74

Overview (Verses 74 - 75)

Then follows a quick image of the Day of Judgement presented in a rhetorical question about those beings the unbelievers alleged to be partners with God. The sūrah, thus, confronts them with their false claims, showing them to be absolutely without substance: On that day, He will call to them and ask: ‘Where are those whom you alleged to be My partners?’ We shall draw from each community a witness, and We shall then say [to the unbelievers]: ‘Produce your evidence!’ They will then come to realize that all truth belongs to God alone, and all the falsehood they invented will forsake them. (Verses 74-75)

This image of the day when they are called and the question about God’s alleged partners was drawn earlier. It is now repeated to confirm it once more in connection with the scene that draws a witness from each community. This witness is the prophet sent to each community, and he will state what reception he and his message were given. The Arabic word naza`nā, which is rendered as ‘We shall draw’ signifies a particularly strong movement. Yet the meaning intended here is that he is called out from among them, standing where he could see and be seen by them all. As they face this witness, they are required to produce their evidence for what they believed in. They have no evidence and cannot on that day persist in their denials. “They will then come to realize that all truth belongs to God alone.” (Verse 75) Indeed, all truth in its complete purity belongs to God alone. “And all the falsehood they invented will forsake them.” (Verse 75) Whatever falsehood they invented is useless. It cannot find them, nor can they find it at the time when they need it most.

Thus the comments on the story of Moses and Pharaoh are concluded. These comments took us on a long trip looking at hearts, souls, worlds, events and great scenes, moving repeatedly between the life of this world and the world beyond. It went far and wide in the universe, and deep into the soul, and far back in history, looking at the laws that govern life and the universe. Yet it always remained in full harmony with the central theme of the sūrah, and with the two main stories it relates: the one about Moses and Pharaoh and the other about Qārūn, or Korah. We have already looked at the first story and we will now look at the second.