Tafsir Zone - Surah 39: az-Zumar (The Groups)

Tafsir Zone

Surah az-Zumar 39:60

Overview (Verses 60 - 61)

At this point, when the sūrah has brought our feelings and hearts to the Day of Judgement, it shows us the two contrasting images of the unbelievers and the Godfearing on that momentous day: “On the Day of Resurrection you will see those who invented lies about God with their faces darkened. Is not there in hell a proper abode for the arrogant? But God will deliver those who are God- fearing to their place of safety: no harm shall afflict them, nor shall they grieve.” (Verses 60-61)

This is the final end: one group have faces darkened by humiliation, sorrow and the scorches of hell. These are the arrogant who, during their lives in this world, were called to turn to God and believe in Him, and the chance was kept open for them even after they went far into sin, but they refused to pay heed. Now, on the Day of judgement, they are left in utter humiliation that shows in their faces. The other group are the winners who will not be touched by grief or affliction. These are the God-fearing who, during their lives on earth, paid heed to God’s warnings and hoped for His mercy. They are the ones who will be safe: “no harm shall afflict them, nor shall they grieve.” (Verse 61)

With all issues made abundantly clear, let everyone choose what they want. They can either respond to the call and enjoy God’s grace they are certain to find just behind the open gate of repentance, or they can persist in disobedience until the suffering takes them unawares.