Tafsir Zone - Surah 29: al-`Ankabut (The Spider )

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-`Ankabut 29:36

Overview (Verses 36 - 40)

Different Types of Punishment
The sūrah then gives brief references to different communities of unbelievers and the ends they suffered, starting with Shu`ayb’s people:
And to the people of Madyan We sent their brother Shu`ayb, who said: ‘My people, worship God alone, and look forward to the Last Day, and do not act wickedly to spread corruption on earth.’ But they accused him of lying. Thereupon an earthquake overtook them and the morning found them lying lifeless on the ground in their very homes. (Verses 36-37)

In this reference to the Prophet Shu`ayb we see the unity of the divine message and the essence of faith: “Worship God alone, and look forward to the Last Day.” (Verse 36) Worshipping God alone is the basic rule of faith. Looking forward to the Day of Judgement would ensure that they stopped their evil ways. For example, they deliberately defrauded people when they measured or weighed for them in business. They also looted from those who passed through their lands, deprived them of what they had, and generally spread corruption, behaving arrogantly.
Furthermore, they took a stand against their prophet, accusing him of lying; therefore, God destroyed them. He brought into force His law of punishing unbelievers who deny their messengers: “Thereupon an earthquake overtook them and the morning found them lying lifeless on the ground in their very homes.” (Verse 37) We mentioned previously the earthquake that shook their land after a great blast left them stunned in their homes, unable to stir. Thus they were left lifeless in fitting requital for their repeated terrorization of others.
Next the sūrah refers very briefly to the punishment inflicted on the `Ād and Thamūd:
And the `Ād and Thamūd [We also destroyed]. This has been evident to you from their dwellings. Satan had made their evil deeds seem goodly to them, and thus had turned them away from the path [of God] despite their having had the ability to perceive the truth. (Verse 38)

The `Ād lived at al-Aĥqāf in southern Arabia, close to Ĥadramaut, while the Thamūd lived in al-Ĥijr in northern Arabia, close to al-Qurā Valley. The `Ād were destroyed by devastating winds, while the Thamūd were destroyed by a stunning blast. Their dwellings, however, still stood and the Arabs of Makkah passed by them on their traditional winter and summer trade trips, thus seeing for themselves the destruction heaped upon these formerly powerful communities.
This brief reference to these two communities reveals the same cause of their going astray as indeed that of other communities: “Satan had made their evil deeds seem goodly to them, and thus had turned them away from the path [of God] despite their having had the ability to perceive the truth.” (Verse 38) They had minds and could see the pointers to divine guidance, but Satan tempted them away, making their deeds seem fair to them. Satan frequently plays on such people’s arrogance and false self-esteem. The result being that such communities often succumb to delusions of power and wealth. Thus, Satan turns them away from the only path of true guidance that leads to faith. He thus loses them the chance to save themselves, despite their having the ability to perceive the truth.
Another very brief reference is made to earlier unbelievers: “Qārūn [i.e. Korah], Pharaoh and Hāmān! Moses had come to them with all evidence of the truth, but they behaved with arrogance on earth. Indeed, they could not escape.” (Verse 39) Qārūn as we learned in the previous sūrah was one of Moses’ people. He behaved wrongfully towards them, using his wealth and knowledge in oppressive ways. He did not listen to the advice of honest and sincere people who counselled him to follow the path of moderation, humility and justice. Pharaoh was a terrible despot who committed ghastly and horrible crimes, enslaving people and sowing discord between them. In brutal defiance of all justice, he killed the male offspring of the Children of Israel but spared their females. Hāmān was his minister who managed his schemes, assisting him in his tyrannical rule. “Moses had come to them with all evidence of the truth, but they behaved with arrogance on earth.” (Verse 39) Their wealth, power and cunning could not protect them from God’s punishment. They could not escape it. It engulfed them all. “Indeed, they could not escape.” (Verse 39)

Those who possessed power, wealth, the means to overpower others as well as the means to ensure their own survival have all gone. God destroyed them all after they had long oppressed and persecuted others:
We took each one of them to task for their sins: upon some of them We let loose a deadly storm wind; and some were overtaken by a blast; and some We caused to be swallowed by the earth; and some We caused to drown. It was not God who wronged them, but it was they who had wronged themselves. (Verse 40)

The `Ād were smitten by a windstorm. This lifted small stones which hit and killed people. The Thamūd were destroyed by a stunning blast, Qārūn was swallowed by the earth, whilst Pharaoh and Hāmān were drowned. All were punished on account of their wrongdoing: “It was not God who wronged them, but it was they who had wronged themselves.” (Verse 40)