Tafsir Zone - Surah 39: az-Zumar (The Groups)

Tafsir Zone

Surah az-Zumar 39:21

Overview (Verse 21)

Rain Bringing Life

Have you not considered how God sends down water from the skies, and then causes it to travel through the earth to form springs? He then brings with it vegetation of different colours; and then it withers and you can see it turning yellow. In the end He causes it to crumble to dust. In all this there is indeed a reminder for those endowed with insight. (Verse 21)

The Qur’ān draws attention to a phenomenon that takes place everywhere on earth. Its familiarity, however, tends to make people overlook it. Yet it is remarkable in every step. The Qur’ān directs us to look at how God’s hand directs it step by step to produce its desired effects. The water that comes down from the sky: what is it, and how does it descend? This is a remarkable phenomenon, but we tend not to reflect on it because it is so familiar. The very creation of water is indeed a miracle. We know that it comes into existence when two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom under certain conditions. Our knowledge, however, should alert us to the fact that it is God’s hand that made the universe, allowing the hydrogen and the oxygen to be available and to provide the conditions that allow them to combine and produce water, which is essential for life to emerge. In fact, without water, no life could have emerged. Thus we see how a series of measures culminated in the existence of water and the emergence of life. All this is of God’s own making. Moreover, the very fall of rain, after the creation of water, is in itself a miraculous phenomenon, brought about by the system that operates the universe and the earth, allowing the formation of water and its fall by God’s will.

That which follows such rainfall is described thus: God “causes it to travel through the earth to form springs.” (Verse 21) This applies to the rivers running on the surface of the earth as well as the rivers that run underneath its surface when water seeps underground. It then forms springs or wells. It is God’s hand that prevents it from going too far into the earth making it impossible to bring up again.

“He then brings with it vegetation of different colours.” (Verse 21) The emergence of vegetation after rain is again a miraculous phenomenon that man can never emulate, no matter how hard he tries. Look at the young shoot as it splits the earth and removes the heavy layers above it, seeking space, light and fresh air, and growing slowly and gradually. Looking at it invites contemplation and fills our hearts with feelings of the greatness of God who “gives everything its distinctive nature and form, and further guides them.” (20: 50) Plants vary in colour at the same spot, on the same plant, and indeed in just one such flower there is a great exhibition of marvellous creation. Man stands in front of this with great awe, aware that he cannot produce anything like it.

This growing, fresh plant that is full of life attains its full growth and completes its life cycle, “then it withers and you can see it turning yellow.” (Verse 21) It has completed its life as ordained in the system of the universe. It is now ripe for harvest. “In the end He causes it to crumble to dust.” (Verse 21) Its role in life is now completed as it was determined by the Giver of life. “In all this there is indeed a reminder for those endowed with insight.” (Verse 21) These are the ones who reflect, making use of the insight God has granted them.